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All Blog Posts:
- Webinar Recording: MEIC Weekly Legislative Update, Feb. 13, 2025
- Webinar Recording: MEIC Weekly Legislative Update, Feb. 6, 2025
- Webinar Recording: MEIC Weekly Legislative Update, Jan. 30, 2025
- Webinar Recording: MEIC Weekly Legislative Update, Jan. 23, 2025
- Judge rules Montana lawmakers must make bill draft info public
- Montana court upholds public access to legislative documents
- Press Release: Montana Court Upholds Constitutional Right to Know
- Webinar Recording: MEIC Weekly Legislative Update, Jan. 16, 2025
- Lawmakers can now keep bill draft info private. Few opt to allow public access
- Farewell, and thanks for everything from MEIC’s Executive Director Cari Kimball
- Webinar Recording: MEIC Weekly Legislative Update, Jan. 9, 2025
- Environmental impacts of Yellowstone Generating Station under review
- Now hiring: MEIC Development Officer
- Supreme Court ruling means DEQ must assess greenhouse gas emissions of new power plant
- News Release: Montana Supreme Court Orders Analysis of Climate Impact of Methane Gas Plant
- News Release: Water-use permit for the Black Butte Copper Mine upheld by the Montana Supreme Court
- Viewpoint: State officials refuse to address climate change
- MEIC’s Derf Johnson testimony at U.S. Committee on House Administration hearing on American Confidence in Elections: Prohibiting Foreign Interference
- Montana’s Energy Transition: A Five Part Series
- Down to Earth: December 2024
- From a Board Member: Gary Aitken
- Legislature Is a Bright Spot Following Election Season
- Supreme Court Rejects NorthWestern’s Bid to Avoid Cleaning Up Colstrip Plant Air Pollution
- MEIC and Partners Pursue Access to “Junque” Files at Legislature
- Why are NorthWestern Energy’s rates so high?
- Montana DEQ Does Bidding of Signal Peak Coal Mine
- Proposed Transmission Line: A Solution with Broad Benefits
- Rural County Adopts Zoning… Against Wind Energy
- Montana’s Energy Transition Part 5: Energy Markets
- Sprawl in Montana is Fillings Its Valleys
- Welcome, Ben Catton!
- What good is saving the planet if we’ve mined it to oblivion?
- It’s Coming: Artificial Intelligence Increases Demand for Energy, Reinvigorates Nuclear
- Karen Knudsen Honored as MEIC’s Conservationist of the Year
- MEIC’s Anne Hedges Honored with Prestigious Award
- Building People Power: Welcoming MEIC’s Community Connectors
- MEIC Directors Reflect on 2024, Look Forward to 2025
- NorthWestern electric rates to drop temporarily, Montana Public Service Commission orders
- EDF, Allies Urge D.C. Circuit to Uphold Strengthened Mercury and Air Toxics Standards
- Lawsuit filed to again open details of draft bills to the public
- Lawsuit asks court to stop Montana Legislative Services from keeping bill draft documents secret
- Press Release: Montanans Challenge Legislature’s New Policy to Conceal Documents
- Down to Earth: October 2024
- From a Board Member: Kathy Juedeman
- Sen. Daines Proposes Privatizing Federal Lands, Skirting Protections
- NorthWestern Energy Moves to Acquire Majority of Antiquated Colstrip Plant
- Signal Peak’s Attempt to Rush Environmental Review Rejected by Federal Court
- DEQ Approves Transfer of Cyanide Heap Leach Mining Permit Near Norris
- PSC Stalls in Considering Petition to Include Climate in Utility Regulation
- NorthWestern Asks to Raise Electricity Rates AGAIN — by 26% more
- NorthWestern Tries to Shut the Public Out of Public Processes
- The Nuclear Myth Endures
- Canadian Selenium: Glencore Buys Teck, the IJC Starts Up, and Pollution Crosses Borders
- Housing Task Force Finalizes Housing Crisis Recommendations
- Subdivision Loophole Undermines Communities and the Environment
- Montana Businesses Support a Smith River Mineral Withdrawal; Does Yours?
- Montana’s Energy Transition Part 4: Expanding Transmission
- MEIC Investigates Air Pollution at Kevin-Sunburst Oil Field with Well Done Foundation
- MEIC Summer Events
- AAA: Daines’ Bill is Misleading
- Webinar Recording — NorthWestern Energy’s 2024 Rate Case
- Conservationists seek to defend basic federal oil and gas fiscal reforms from industry complaint
- Event Recording — Transmission and the Climate Panel Discussion
- Legislators should protect customers from NorthWestern Energy rate increases, Montanans say
- Conservation groups question Montana DEQ’s proposed water quality assessment methods
- U.S. Supreme Court declines to block emissions rule that requires Colstrip upgrades
- U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear Colstrip pollution challenge
- Water watchdogs: DEQ’s pollution methods come up short
- Legislature aims to require waiver for public access to behind-the-scene bill drafting discussions
- Press Release: Conservation and agriculture groups challenge Montana’s approval of Bull Mountain coal mine expansion
- Groups challenge Montana DEQ’s decision to allow more coal mining for Bull Mountain Mine
- 2024 Board of Directors Election
- Four things to know about NorthWestern Energy’s newest rate hike request
- Voices: NorthWestern Energy’s Greenwashing Scam
- We’re hiring! Montana Legislative and Program Assistant
- Montana Public Service Commission to investigate NorthWestern Energy committee
- Second annual Billings Climate Week kicked off Saturday night
- NorthWestern Energy, Talen to Supreme Court: New EPA rules ‘put an untenable burden on Colstrip’
- Press Release: Federal Court Clarifies 2023 Changes to National Environmental Policy Act For First Time
- Viewpoint: NorthWestern Energy’s missteps in a changing climate
- Speak up for Clean Air: Tell our elected officials that MATS is good for Montana
- Montana one of the few states that raised residential power rates, dropped all others
- NorthWestern to acquire more of Colstrip while other utilities unload coal
- NorthWestern Energy announces deal to acquire larger share of Colstrip power plant
- Watchdogs decry ongoing reclamation limbo at Montana Tunnels mine
- Montana PSC asks NorthWestern about allegations it’s working contrary to Montana law
- Statement from MEIC’s Anne Hedges on NorthWestern Energy’s announcement about acquiring Puget Sound Energy’s shares of the Colstrip coal-fired power plant.
- Down to Earth: July 2024
- Down to Earth: March 2024
- Carbon Capture and Storage: Best Intentions Leading to Corporate Benefits
- Hecla says ‘bad actor’ lawsuit dismissed, coalition vows to keep fighting mine
- DEQ’s approval of cyanide-based mining near Norris raises concerns
- Press Release: Tribes, Conservation Groups Vow Continued Fight Against Irresponsible Mining After “Bad Actor” Retirement
- Montana SupCo hears youth climate-changing lawsuit appeal
- Congress Moving in Wrong Direction with Passage of ADVANCE Act
- Montana Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in climate change case Wednesday
- From a Board Member: Beth Taylor-Wilson
- OSM Rejects Legislation that Weakened Water Protections
- Montana and Wyoming BLM to Phase Out Federal Coal Leasing
- Senator Daines Carries Water for Corrupt Coal Corporation
- EPA Releases Greenhouse Gas Rule for Power Plants
- Montanans Don’t Deserve Highest Coal Plant Pollution Rate in the Nation
- Supreme Court Hears MEIC Challenge to NorthWestern Gas Plant
- An Opportunity to Protect the Smith
- Montana’s Energy Transition: Part 3 Demand Side Management
- When Will the PSC Start Caring About Reliability and Affordability?
- Coal Train Pollution Subject of EPA Meeting
- Exxon Shakes Down Taxpayers with SE Montana Carbon Sequestration Project
- EPA Strengthens Vehicle Pollution Standard
- The PSC is Not Above the Law When it Comes to Climate
- MEPA Stakeholder Group Wraps Up: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Welcome, Laura!
- PSC Overrides Staff and Public In Review of NorthWestern’s IRP
- Montana Attorney General Denies Access to Public Records and Sides with Foreign Mining Company
- Bitterrooters Ban Together Against Rare Earth Mining
- MEIC Completes an Anti-Racism Audit, Begins the Real Work
- Our Decisions Today Can Create a Better Tomorrow
- Groups sue to force PSC to decide on climate-change rulemaking
- Environmental groups seek court action over climate petition
- Groups ask court to force PSC decision on climate change petition
- Press Release: Petitioners file motion to press Montana Public Service Commission to fulfill duty to consider climate
- Montana law professor weighs chances of Held vs. Montana
- State working group debates over how to assess greenhouse gas emissions
- Daines proposes coal land swap, reinstatement of Signal Peak’s mine expansion plan
- Climate impact analysis procedures among recommendations in MEPA work group’s report
- Guest column: Let’s band together to protect our Smith River!
- MEIC: Montana PSC using ‘stall tactic’ with climate petition
- Smith River coalition petitions Forest Service to withdraw mineral leases
- ‘Monumental Decision’: Biden Admin Proposes Ending Coal Leasing in Nation’s Most Productive Mining Area
- Health officials say politicians, utilities ignore health impacts of Colstrip pollution
- Montana Supreme Court hears arguments on permits for Laurel power plant
- Webinar Recording — Montana Climate Action Updates
- Webinar Recording — Protecting Montanans’ Health from Coal Plant Toxins
- Press Release: EPA updates air quality standards, lowers allowable amount of emitted mercury and air toxics
- PSC hears supporters, opponents on petition on climate change
- Montana PSC hears testimony on proposal to account for costs of climate change
- Energy costs main factor in closure of division at Butte company
- Climate fix or pollution pipeline?
- Montana groups: Coal mining bill that would have weakened water quality won’t become law
- Supreme Court hears arguments on water permits for copper mine near Smith River
- Montana Supreme Court weighs arguments in second lawsuit over Smith River copper mine
- Climate Connections: NW Energy plan endangers climate, increases bills
- From a Board Member: Neal Ullman
- A Hard-Fought Victory for Clean Water at the Rosebud Mine
- Businesses, Health, and Conservation Groups Say PSC Must Consider Climate
- New Imaging Reveals Invisible Pollution at Refineries and in the Home
- NorthWestern Plows Ahead with Boondoggle Gas Plant
- Turn Off That Leaky Pipeline: Methane Gas No Cleaner Than Coal
- The Truth about NorthWestern’s Carbon-Free Generation
- Poor Planning and Misguided Investments Put NorthWestern Customers at Risk
- The Inevitable Wind-down of Montana’s Coal Mines
- Montana’s Energy Transition Part 2: Decarbonizing Energy
- MEPA Work Group Evaluating Bedrock Environmental Law
- The Montana Route That Could
- The Legislative “Off-Season:” Interim Committee Update
- DEQ Climate Planning Falls Short
- How Short-Term Rentals Can Drive Sprawl
- Moving Forward Without Nuclear Energy
- Welcome, Shannon James!
- Hope Springs Early and Often
- Montana land proposed for solar power
- Montana Public Service Commission: NorthWestern ‘undermining’ regulators
- Court says PSC, NorthWestern Energy, violated renewable energy law
- Press Release: Montana Supreme Court Again Rebukes NorthWestern Energy on Clean Energy Projects
- Sustainable Communities Advocate or Director
- “Moving Beyond Nuclear Energy” presentation at Great Falls Public Library
- Webinar Recording — The Future is Now: Montana’s Energy Transition
- 40+ Montana Businesses and Organizations Petition the Montana Public Service Commission to Consider Climate Change
- Petitioners: Public Service Commission has ‘most consequential role’ on future of Montana
- Press Release: Montana Organizations and Businesses Petition Public Service Commission to Consider Climate Costs in Utility Regulation
- Montana Supreme Court sides with DEQ, Tintina, in dispute over central Montana copper mine
- Judge sides with NorthWestern in Laurel power plant suit
- PSC to investigate NorthWestern Energy’s decisions during January cold spell
- DEQ initiates bond forfeiture at Montana Tunnels
- Working group meets to discuss changes to state environmental regulations
- Cold snap fuels Montana’s coal power debate
- Nick Fitzmaurice: Poor Planning Puts NorthWestern’s Reliability at Risk
- NorthWestern touts coal, natural gas, in meeting record energy demand
- Webinar Recording — Moving Forward without Nuclear: Montana’s Path to Clean, Reliable Electricity
- DEQ work group to assess state environmental law
- DEQ to strike mentions of 30-day public comment periods
- Anne Hedges: NorthWestern Energy tops this year’s naughty list
- Guest opinion: Yellowstone County Generating Station process undermines community and youth voices
- Clean energy gains momentum in Montana
- Now hiring: Climate and Campaigns Organizer
- Down to Earth: December 2023
- Webinar: Exempt Wells
- Montana supreme court sends coal mine permit back to environmental review board
- From a Board Member: Jessie Wiles
- PSC Approves NorthWestern’s 28% Electricity Rate Hike for Residents
- Keeping an Eye on Hydrogen Hubs
- Will State Listen to the Public on MEPA and the Climate?
- What’s the Deal with the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases?
- Montana’s Terrible Plan to Grease the Skids for a Massive Wyoming Coal Mine
- The Federal Government Recommends Reform of Outdated Mining Laws
- Water Pollution Knows No Borders: How Canadian Coal is Poisoning Montana Waters
- HB 576 & SB 392: The Next Chapter in the Story of the Coal Industry’s Undue Influence on Montana Government
- Signal Peak mine causes surface damage, safety hazards
- Montana’s Energy Transition Part 1
- DEQ Climate Emissions & Resilience Planning
- The Linchpin to Decarbonization in the West?
- MT Dept. of Transportation’s Carbon Reduction Plan Falls Flat
- Climate Implications of Land Use Planning
- Exempt Wells: Montana’s White Elephant Gift?
- Extraordinary Hope: A Conversation with Roger Sullivan
- Year in Review with the Executive Director: Reflecting with Pride, Anticipating with Hope
- Press Release: Montana Supreme Court Rules Department of Environmental Quality Failed to Protect Water Near Rosebud Coal Mine
- A Message of Solidarity Against Violence in Palestine
- Montana Supreme Court revokes Rosebud coal mine expansion
- Coal mine expansion permit vacated by Montana Supreme Court
- Supreme Court halts Westmoreland coal field expansion near Colstrip
- What is Montana doing to address climate change: Part 1
- Tell DEQ MEPA must consider climate NOW
- Residents living near Montana coal mines warn feds about new state laws
- Feds scrutinizing Montana’s new mining laws
- NorthWestern rate increase hits 28% for residential customers
- MT part of $1 billion hydrogen hub
- Tribes urge U.S., Canada to reach promised agreement on Lake Koocanusa selenium
- Public Calls on DEQ to Abide by Held Decision, Analyze Impacts to Climate Change
- Public Service Commission approves NorthWestern Energy rate hike
- Montana Public Service Commission votes to increase NorthWestern Energy rates
- Webinar: MT Legislative Interim Committees
- Industrial lobbyists say Montana environmental laws too burdensome
- Conservation groups seek federal intervention in central Montana coal mine
- MT seeks public input on environmental policy
- Montana stakeholders react to proposed hardrock mining reforms on federal lands
- Public urges state to act on climate change
- Montana Environmental Information Center co-director reflects on the nonprofit’s 50th anniversary
- Gianforte Administration touts solar project in Dillon
- Environmental groups push to clamp down on coal dust from trains
- From the Executive Director
- Judge Temporarily Suspends Enforcement of Bad Coal Laws
- Judge Orders Release of Gianforte Comms with Bad Actor Mining Corporation
- Montana Youth Get Their Day(s) in Court… and Win!!
- DEQ Pursues Enforcement Action Regarding Zortman-Landusky, MEIC Files for Intervention
- NorthWestern Continues Construction Despite Missing Approvals
- NorthWestern Energy’s Plan to Use Customers as an ATM
- Montana Updates Electric Vehicle Plan
- Montana Land Development: 50 Years Later
- Will the EPA Finally Tackle Forever Chemicals?
- Healthcare and Climate Change
- Conversation with a Founder: Robin Tawney Nichols
- Honoring Jim Jensen, 2023 Conservationist of the Year
- Thanks to Our Summer Staff!
- Welcome, Nicholas Fitzmaurice!
- Billings Climate Week marks first-of-its-kind week-long climate event in Montana
- Down to Earth: September 2023
- Donations and Grassroots Support Help MEIC Preserve Montana’s Natural Beauty for Future Generations
- Missoulians united in opposition to NorthWestern plan, 28% rate increase
- ‘This Changes Everything’: Experts Respond to Landmark Youth Climate Ruling
- Hearings regarding Yellowstone County Generating Station
- Impacts of Held vs. Montana decision already being seen in Montana
- NorthWestern Energy customers raise energy planning concerns
- Laurel residents tell court they were cut out of public process in gas plant permitting
- Citizens want input on zoning for power plant near Laurel, rally in Billings
- Ruling: Held v State of Montana, August 14, 2023
- PSC hosts public hearing regarding NorthWestern Energy plan
- 2023 Board of Directors Candidate Bios
- 16 Young People Sued Montana Over the Climate. The Planet Won.
- George Ochenski: Gov. Gianforte dead wrong on ‘bad actor’ decision
- NorthWestern energy plan out for public comment, listening sessions planned
- NorthWestern Energy presents new Integrated Resource Plan
- Gov to appeal order to release records on ‘bad actor’ mining decision
- Public Service Commission president: ‘Exorbitant rates’ ahead if Montana fails to plan for energy
- Will the reduction of red tape put conservation success at risk?
- Potential mine near Sheep Creek worries Bitterroot Valley residents
- Climate Activists Want to See More Constitutions Like Montana’s
- Voices: Montana youth lead the way – but they shouldn’t have to
- Chief district judge places two new coal mining laws on hold
- Federal Court halts two new Montana coal mining laws
- Press Release: Federal Court Prohibits Enforcement of Changes to Montana’s Mining Law for Seven Months
- Judge orders Gianforte to release all records in ‘bad actor’ mining case
- Helena judge orders Gianforte to produce communications with mining company
- Judge orders Gianforte to turn over records related to ‘bad actor’ decision
- Youth advocates make their groundbreaking case in court for climate action
- Press Release: Tribes, Conservation Groups Seek Intervention in Enforcement Action Against Little Rocky Mountains Miners
- The Montana Supreme Court takes up permitting for Black Butte copper project
- Montana Supreme Court hears arguments on Black Butte Copper project permit
- Montana Supreme Court hears arguments in White Sulphur Springs copper mine permit case
- Montana’s Narrow Defense in Youth Climate Trial Was Devoid of Climate Science
- Mont. officials tell youth they can’t consider climate change
- DEQ Director, Economist Testify for State as Climate Trial Winds Down
- Hard rock mining report emphasizes the public weal and not the woes
- DEQ employees, ‘climate economist,’ testify for state in Montana climate change trial
- Montana begins (and ends) defense in landmark climate change trial
- Young People in Historic Climate Trial Rest Their Case
- Experts in Youth Climate Trial Say Montana’s Legislative and Executive Branches Favor Fossil Fuel Industry
- Court Hears Expert Testimony About How Montana ‘Doubled Down on Fossil Fuels’ and Became ‘Outright Hostile’ to Clean Energy
- Montana’s youth climate trial reaches its halfway point
- Copper mine case argued before Montana Supreme Court on June 21
- Environmental policy expert says at trial Montana has moved backward in fighting climate change
- Montana’s CO2 emissions threaten Indigenous traditions, plaintiffs argue in climate trial
- New BLM Public Lands Rule a Win-Win for Montana
- From a Board Member: Bruce Bender
- Yellowstone County Generating Station on Hold
- The 2023 Session: Foul Air, Dirtier Water, an Unstable Climate, and More Sprawl
- NorthWestern Energy Secures Title of Montana Supervillain During Rate Case
- NorthWestern’s IRP is as Bad as We Expected (But Who’s Surprised?)
- The Legislature’s Last Minute Attacks on Constitutional Protections
- Clean Energy at the Legislature: Not Good, But It Could Have Been Worse
- The Legislature Undermines Local Control for the Fossil Fuel Industry
- SB 232: A Good Step Towards Government Accountability
- MEIC Goes to Court to Protect Northwest Montana Water from Selenium Pollution
- Coal Mining’s Last Gasp at the Legislature?
- Sustainable Communities and the 2023 Legislature
- 2023 MEIC Voting Scorecard
- Inside and Out: Member Advocacy During the 2023 Session
- Housing is an Environmental Issue
- Farewell, Ian and Matthew!
- EPA Rules To Limit Coal’s Impacts: The Good, Bad, and Mediocre
- From the Executive Director: Pulling at the Threads of Injustice
- Montanans react to ‘first of its kind’ climate trial in Helena
- Judge Rules Montana Gas-Fired Plant Can Move Forward, While Landmark Climate Case Begins
- Down to Earth: June 2023
- Guest view: Montana youth lead the way – but they shouldn’t have to
- Judge lifts stay on Laurel power plant construction
- ‘To a Clean and Healthful Environment’
- Montana lawmakers double down on fossil fuels in 2023 legislative session
- Legislature overrides veto on state agency ‘right-to-know’ bill
- Montana Youth Prepare for Trial in Bellwether Climate Case Against State
- The Battle for Clean Energy in Coal Country
- Environmentalists Sue to Block New Montana Coal Mining Laws
- Montana’s new coal-friendly laws draw legal challenges
- Environmental groups file suit over Koocanusa selenium levels
- Press Release: Groups Challenge Legislature’s Unlawful Attempts to Weaken Montana Coal Laws
- Coalition sues state in federal court for coal mining laws passed by legislature
- Montana Rolls Back Environmental Protections
- Montana’s new law banning climate impact reviews sparks backlash from environmental experts
- Clark Fork Coalition, others sue to keep Lake Koocanusa selenium limit
- A Climate Trial in Montana Sets the Scene for More
- Environmentalists sue to protect Lake Koocanusa selenium rule
- Why Montana is emerging as a must-watch climate battleground
- Montana GOP tries to derail first U.S. climate trial
- Montana regulators sued over mining pollution
- Teck Coal named in US legal action over selenium contamination from BC mines
- Press Release: Conservation Groups Go to Court Alongside Montana DEQ to Protect Montana and Idaho Waters From Canadian Coal Mine Pollution
- Montana Governor Signs Bill Banning State Agencies From Analyzing Climate Impacts
- Gianforte signs bill banning state agencies from analyzing climate impacts
- Three takeaways from lawmakers’ approach to natural resources management
- EPA carbon emissions plan raises challenges for Colstrip
- New Montana laws plow through environmental regulations for fossil fuels
- How the 68th Legislature shaped Montana’s energy policy
- MEIC’s Legislative Wrap-Up – May 4, 2023
- Legislature eases regulations on subdivision water, septic rules
- Groups urging veto of bill related to Paradise Valley gold mine ruling
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – April 27, 2023
- First constitutional climate case set for trial clears pretrial conference
- Republican lawmakers advanced bills to keep climate change out of state permitting
- What does it mean to have the right to a ‘clean and healthful environment’?
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – April 20, 2023
- 11th-hour bill seeking changes to environmental regs passes committee
- Republicans rush bill to keep DEQ from assessing greenhouse gases
- Despite push for renewable electricity, coal habit proves hard to break
- GOP lawmakers target legal challenges to environmental enforcement
- Montana Republicans take aim at environmental reviews, regulations
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – April 13, 2023
- Opponents say NorthWestern is a company ‘in distress,’ while Pinocci concerned about rate shock
- NorthWestern’s would-be rate increase 28% higher than rates last August
- Climate scientist testifies NorthWestern’s incomplete energy planning hurting customers, investors
- NW Energy agreement proposes high residential electricity rates
- Montana Judge Cancels Air Permit for Gas-Fired Power Plant
- Judge cancels Montana gas plant permit over climate impacts
- Sixteen Kids Are Fighting the Climate Crisis in Court
- Judge cancels Montana gas plant permit over climate impacts
- Yellowstone County judge revokes Laurel gas plant permit
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – April 6, 2023
- Montana court vacates air permit for NorthWestern Energy’s $275M Laurel power plant
- Court Rules that Air Quality Permit for Laurel Gas Plant is Unlawful
- Judge orders halt to construction of NorthWestern power plant in Laurel
- Pair of bills seeking to restrict nonprofits’ access to legal remedies passes Senate
- Montana Environmental Policy Act ‘voluntary’ with SB 557, opponent says
- Bill would tax nonprofits that bring lawsuits against government
- Montana Supreme Court hears arguments in mining case at MSU’s Law Day
- Bill to undo court action against Yellowstone area gold mine advances
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – March 30, 2023
- Lawmakers consider taxing non-profits suing state agencies
- The Montana Legislature v. local climate action
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – March 23, 2023
- Energy Transition Advocate
- Bill to add an annual fee to electric vehicle is nearing governor’s desk
- House holds hearing on bill redistricting PSC
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – March 16, 2023
- EPA and Montana Resources promise action after InvestigateWest report exposes public health concerns
- Montana Legislature begins tackling proposed amendments to state constitution
- From a Board Member: Kathy Juedeman
- Judge Protects Bull Mountains’ Water, Ranchers from Coal Mine
- Protecting Clean Water from the Rosebud Mine Expansion
- MEIC’s Mid-Session Report
- How to Engage in the Second Half of the Session
- Montana Legislature: Energy Bills Could Burden Consumers
- Montana Legislature: A Race to the Bottom on Coal, Water Regulations
- Sustainable Communities in the Legislative Limelight
- Montana Legislature: How Water Policy Loopholes Drive Sprawl
- Showing Up for Our Environment
- Solutions to Persistent Plastic Pollution Tabled
- EPA reinstates mercury rule for power plants
- Another Mining Company Files for Bankruptcy Protection
- NorthWestern Energy Can’t Stop Moving Backwards
- NorthWestern Energy Wants More of Colstrip (hold on to your wallets)
- Public Records Request Shines Light on EPA’s Misbehavior in Butte
- MEIC Who: Hernandez Family
- MEIC’s 50th Anniversary Celebration
- Our Connections Create the Wins and Weather the Losses
- Pitches to ask voters to change Constitution remain in spotlight
- Down to Earth: March 2023
- Democrats pitch $500 million housing trust fund
- Bill establishing workforce housing trust fund hears strong support in committee
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – March 9, 2023
- Voices are needed to protect our climate at the legislature
- Groups eye water bills at Montana Legislature
- Montana Senate passes public record request bill
- Court sticks with Signal Peak Mine expansion ban
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – March 2, 2023
- Ban on plastic foam containers for food serving, packaging tabled
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – Feb. 23, 2023
- Land planning overhaul would prioritize proactive urban planning
- Bill would create gas tax equivalent for electric vehicles
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – Feb. 16, 2023
- Libby Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Weaken Selenium Safeguard on Lake Koocanusa
- Libby lawmaker eyes legislative change to Lake Koocanusa selenium standard
- ‘Power to the people’: Bill would restore local control over plastics
- Time to clear the air about Butte’s Greeley neighborhood
- Missoula, Bozeman battle against single-use plastics, but is legislature listening?
- Judge halts Signal Peak coal mine expansion
- Judge orders full environmental analysis for Signal Peak before expansion
- Judge blocks coal mine expansion sought by Signal Peak
- Lawmakers battle local governments over zoning rules
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – Feb. 9, 2023
- Legislature weighs bill to exempt some small subdivisions from environmental review
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – Feb. 2, 2023
- Bill to add ‘free market’ solution to housing crisis with lot sizes rallies proponents
- Bill would force Montana cities to allow smaller home lots
- Montana bill seeks to preemptively prohibit bans on energy sources
- Bill would give majority party more power on Montana interim committees
- Climate Connections: Climate momentum is building in Montana
- Anne Hedges speaks at the Climate Advocacy Rally in Helena
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – Jan. 26, 2023
- Madison Valley residents weigh in on controversial gravel pit expansion near Ennis
- Missoula county opposes bill banning government-created solar-ready zones
- Bill aims to put federal injunction thresholds in place in Montana
- Bill would keep ESG considerations out of MT’s investing decisions
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – Jan. 19, 2023
- Advocates rally for climate action at Montana Capitol
- Avista Corp, NorthWestern Energy, agree to Colstrip ownership transfer
- Northwestern to Acquire Colstrip Coal-fired Units as Other States Go Green
- Environmental group blasts NorthWestern Energy’s new Colstrip deal
- NorthWestern Energy to increase ownership share in Colstrip
- Legislature to consider adding environmental rights to the constitution
- A Faked Kidnapping and Cocaine: A Montana Mine’s Descent Into Chaos
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – Jan. 12, 2023
- Bill would let Montana counties consolidate land use boards
- Bills aimed at speeding up construction in Montana see little opposition in Senate committee
- Bill to abolish Montana energy policy sparks debate about climate, separation of powers
- MEIC’s Weekly Legislative update – Jan. 5, 2023
- Montana tries again on annual fees for electric vehicles
- Take Action: Tell DEQ that Big Sky’s Quarry Project Would Harm the Gallatin River
- Montana Housing Task Force submits specific recommendations
- Officials are optimistic about the Madison River a year after dam malfunction, but unknowns remain
- MEIC Legislative Huddle
- Complaint asks the federal government to step in to oversee violations at Signal Peak mine
- Board of Environmental Review seeks selenium rule redo
- Montana Tunnels mine seeks bankruptcy protection
- Signal Peak: A Timeline of Corruption
- From a Board Member
- The 2023 Legislature: Your Constitutional Rights Are in Jeopardy
- Sustainable Communities Legislative Outlook
- How to Get Involved at the Legislature: A Menu
- Another (!) Expansion of the Rosebud Coal Mine Ruled Illegal
- NorthWestern Energy Wants Customers to Pay $364 More Each Year
- Another Challenge to NorthWestern’s Methane Plant Near Laurel
- Nuclear at Colstrip? Not so fast.
- Does Montana need fossil fuels to keep the lights on? (Hint: No)
- NorthWestern’s Long-Term Energy Plan Ignores Clean Energy… Again
- CHS Water Pollution: Dead Minnows, Arsenic, and Broken Dreams
- Victory in Big Sky at the Lazy J Subdivision
- Mining Beneath the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness: An Update
- Eventually, A River Runs Brew It
- Sound Land Use Planning Laws Will Build Sustainable Communities
- Will the Legislature Fix the Problems with the Opencut Mining Law?
- Member Spotlight: Deborah Hanson
- Meet New MEIC Staff
- Legacies and Lives Well-Lived
- Montana Loses Conservation Champion, Tim Crawford
- Down to Earth: December 2022
- Climate on trial: Montana youth take on state energy policy
- Editorial: A court ruling that’s good for the Gallatin
- New York cracks down on carbon fuel-based crypto-mining operations
- Lazy J South loses DEQ permit
- Judge orders DEQ to reexamine discharge permit for Big Sky subdivision
- Press Release: Gallatin County District Court Rules in Favor of Environmental Groups
- Legal action seeks to clarify local authority for NorthWestern’s gas plant near Laurel
- Montana Resources considers more air quality monitoring of ‘fugitive dust’
- Ann Schwend: Sound land use planning laws will build sustainable communities
- Derf Johnson: 50 years of the Clean Water Act: More must be done for Montana’s rivers, streams, and lakes
- What’s the Public Service Commission and why does it matter? Meeting recording
- Laurel, Yellowstone County sued over gas-fired power plant
- Opinion: Trudeau’s indifference to mining catastrophe is hypocritical and dangerous
- Gas, Gas, and More Gas: Reviewing NorthWestern’s Plan for Montana’s energy future event series
- Feds, state bungled mine permit, Judge rules
- What the Hell is Going on With the Colstrip Power Plant??
- Tribe, conservation groups join DEQ to analyze new Zortman mining
- Fort Belknap tribe, conservation groups file to intervene in Zortman-Landusky dispute
- 2023 Montana Legislative Assistant
- Down to Earth: September 2022
- Montana Land Development: The Montana Subdivision Inventory Project, 1975
- 2022 Board of Directors Candidate Bios
- BLM to resconsider Montana, oil, gas and leases in Montana after settlement with environmmental groups
- Montana’s Unsung Hero
- Big Victory Against Leasing Coal on Public Lands
- Zinke’s Gift to the Coal Industry Ruled Illegal
- Two Victories on Oil & Gas Leasing
- It’s Time for a Real Investigation of Signal Peak’s Coal Mine
- PSC Kicks the Can Down the Road with IRP rules
- NorthWestern Continues to Fight Against Low Income Energy Assistance
- NorthWestern Tries to Skirt the Law in Rate Case
- Will Cities Adopt Montana’s New Climate-Conscious Building Codes?
- As Montana Prepares for EVs, Legislators Weigh Taxes
- Massive Colstrip Coal Mine Expansion Approval Challenged
- Building Sustainable Montana Communities
- MEIC and Montana’s Progressive Constitution
- How does the Montana Constitution change?
- The Inflation Reduction Act: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
- MEIC Hits the Road in Eastern Montana
- DEQ: Ignoring Neighbors Makes Permitting Faster
- Meet Ann Schwend
- Montana’s Officials Need to Go Back to School
- Editorial: Governing should happen in public
- How the sweeping Inflation Reduction Act could transform energy development in Montana
- Gianforte wields ‘executive privilege’ argument against sensitive records requests
- PSC hears pushback on new rules, but NorthWestern gives them the nod
- Administrative and Development Assistant
- ‘Big Win’ for Public Lands and Climate as US Judge Reinstates Coal Lease Ban
- Montanans oppose state’s new gravel pit rules, process
- Citizens blast DEQ, Legislature, Gianforte administration for new mining rules, warn of lawsuits
- Federal Court Rejects Wyoming Montana Coal Mining Plan
- Whose PSC is it, anyway?
- Problems with gravel pit leniency attracts legislative attention
- How To Be an Advocate: Participating in Montana Public Processes
- DEQ issues $516,000 fine for alleged mining activity at site of former Zortman mine
- It’s the pits: Residents, environmental advocates frustrated at new opencut mining law
- Signal Peak coal mine opponents seek federal investigation alleging disregard for the law
- MEIC Statement on Recent Supreme Court Decisions
- Groups appeal state’s decision to allow coal mine expansion near Colstrip
- Neighbors in Arlee feel ‘voiceless’ after new state law reduced regulations on gravel pits
- Federal oil lease sale in Montana stirs little interest
- Supreme Court ruling unlikely to impact Montana energy
- Lawsuit Challenges Biden’s Resumption of Oil, Gas Leasing on Public Lands
- Environmental groups sue Biden administration for resuming oil and gas lease sales
- Environmental groups sue Biden administration for failing to consider climate change in oil leasing
- Republican states aim to protect massive coal mine from environmentalists
- Helena passes nearly $100 million preliminary budget
- Down to Earth: June 2022
- HIGH AND DRY: Toxic coal ash could be the next opportunity — or broken promise — for the Northern Cheyenne Tribe
- Some People in This Montana Mining Town Worry About the Dust Next Door
- How Ryan Zinke Went Full Trump To Get Ahead In Montana
- From a Board Member
- A Major Victory for the Smith River
- Victory at Bull Mountain – Again
- Montana Youths Go to Court for the Climate
- NorthWestern Energy: Would You Want Them Next Door?
- Reform the 1872 General Mining Act? It’s up to you.
- The Active Mine Next Door: Butte Neighborhood Demands Answers
- Colstrip Coal Plant Owner Talen Energy is in a Deep Hole
- Community Action Works – at Least It Used To
- EPA Nixes Major Parts of Montana’s Nutrient Pollution Plan
- “Magic Internet Money” Undermines Climate Progress
- MEIC Taking on Oil & Gas, from Cradle to Grave
- Legislative Committee Hears About Energy Choices for Montana
- Show Us How You’ll Get to Net Zero, NorthWestern
- NorthWestern Energy Resource Procurement Planning is Underway
- Nuclear Electricity Generation – How Does It Work?
- Helena Residents Want City Action on Climate Change
- Right Here, Right Now
- Lease sale brings various protests
- Mining Companies Strike Gold by Destroying Public Lands
- Debate continues over merits of small nuclear reactors in Montana
- Montana lawmakers briefed on Talen bankruptcy
- Groups File Legal Protests Targeting Oil and Gas Leasing on Federal Lands
- Spring Update Series: Dirty Energy
- EPA asked to rule on Montana’s change to nutrients standards
- Spring Update Series: Clean Energy
- 5 Easy Steps to Get Off Gas
- Spring Update Series: Hardrock Mining
- Sustainable Communities & Planning Advocate
- Mom Guilt
- Fossil fuels v our future: young Montanans wage historic climate fight
- State will appeal Black Butte mine decision
- Judge halts mine project that could affect iconic Smith River
- Judge says MT DEQ unlawfully approved construction of Black Butte Copper Mine
- Smith River one step closer to protections from Black Butte Copper Mine after court ruling
- Separating Truth from Fiction: What the crisis in Ukraine really means for U.S. oil and gas
- NorthWestern Energy proposes monitoring fish, bolstering habitat along Madison River following dam malfunction
- NorthWestern Energy proposes mitigation plan following Madison River’s dewatering
- Anne Hedges: Gunderson’s opencut law leaves neighbors in the dust
- Derf Johnson, Scott Bosse, David Brooks: Why we don’t want a mine on the Smith: an open letter to Rob Scargill
- US court faults Signal Peak coal mine expansion review
- Bob Campbell’s constitutional legacy
- Court Strikes Down Montana Coal Mine Expansion
- Federal Court Rejects Coal Mine Expansion Unlawfully Authorized by Trump
- Appeals Court Says U.S. Downplayed Coal Mine’s Climate Impacts
- 9th Circuit revives challenge to Signal Peak’s coal-mine expansion
- The selenium battle of Lake Koocanusa
- Commissioners Not Telling the Truth About Selenium Standard
- Another Court Says Rosebud Mine Expansion Was Illegal
- Down to Earth: March 2022
- How the Montana Constitution shapes the state’s environmental landscape
- 34 Organizations Sign on to Letter with Requests for Montana’s Regional Haze Program
- Neighbors unload on gravel pit project
- Climate groups sue Interior Department over controversial Black Friday report on oil and gas leasing
- Commissioners not telling the truth about selenium standard
- Editorial: The public deserves to know why Montana dropped ‘bad actor’ claim
- Groups sue Governor’s Office, state over public records delay
- Show us how you’ll get to net zero, NorthWestern
- Who is following up on Hebgen Dam?
- Guest view: MT Supreme Court should choose energy security
- Regional Haze: It’s Time to Clear the Air recording
- From the Executive Director: Mom Guilt
- The Mad Rush to Weaken Montana Water Quality Standards
- DEQ Finally Heeds Tribal Concerns about Mining at Zortman-Landusky
- The Laurel Generating Station’s Unsafe Pipeline
- Montana’s Do-Nothing Plan Will Prolong Hazy Skies
- EPA Moves to Reverse Trump-Era Mercury Rule
- Clear Laws for Clean Cars
- Nuclear Power: Brave New World or Deja Vu?
- Why Land Use Matters 101
- 32 Organizations Ask NorthWestern’s Board for a Measurable Decarbonization Plan
- Inside MEIC: The State of the Organization
- Transmission: A Key to a Clean Energy Future
- Crypto Mining Ourselves into a Hole
- 150 Years is Too Long to Wait for Federal Mining Reform
- How to Become an Advocate
- Two Smiths in a Day
- In Memory of Michaelynn
- Meet Ian Lund
- NorthWestern announces plans to be net-zero on carbon emissions by 2050
- Opencut Rulemaking in Progress
- Group warns small nuclear reactors come up short on promises
- Bitcoin miners revived a dying coal plant – then CO2 emissions soared
- Montana and federal agencies ignored environmental law in approving coal mine expansion
- Courts deal blow to southeastern Montana coal mine
- Here are the last coal plants clinging to life in the American West
- Michaelynn Hawk remembered for activism ‘from the heart’
- Thirty-Nine States, Including California, Failed to Submit Pollution Reduction Plans to the Environmental Protection Agency, NPCA Reports
- Why Does the State Defend Signal Peak Energy, Montana’s “Den of Thievery”?
- Teck is fighting Montana pollution rules it doesn’t have to follow. Why? Look to B.C.
- Keep Our Rivers Clean: Proposed nutrient standards recording
- Biden Interior Department defends Trump-era coal-mining plans
- Groups file complaint over Hebgen Dam malfunction
- Sustainable Missoula: Watershed Sustainability and Our Community
- Environmental groups want Northwestern Energy to fund ecological assessment after dam malfunction
- Environmental groups call for investigation of Hebgen Dam malfunction
- Water groups file federal complaint over Hebgen Dam failure
- Public Voices Strong Opposition to Proposed Zortman Mine Exploration
- Groups request independent investigation into Hebgen Dam malfunction
- Hebgen Lake businesses join outcry over NorthWestern Energy dam management
- Organizations Request Investigation of NorthWestern Energy’s Permit Violations
- Billings -area groups among Ping Foundation grant recipients
- Down to Earth: December 2021
- The 1872 General Mining Act is Slated to Turn 150
- Tribes, Partner Organizations Sue DEQ Over “Bad Actor” Law
- Customers Demand a Clean Energy Future from NorthWestern Energy CEO Bob Rowe in Open Letter
- Nutrient Pollution Threatens Montana’s Waterways, Economy, & Way of Life
- Records Sought on Climate Failure of Biden Oil, Gas Review
- Conservation Organizations Call on Gov. Gianforte to Hold NorthWestern Energy Accountable for Madison River Disaster
- Tribes, Conservation Groups File Legal Action To Compel Montana DEQ to Enforce “Bad Actor” Law Against Hecla Mining Executive
- Don’t Fall for Gas: Laurel gas plant recording
- Clean Energy Advocate or Director
- In a Victory for Clean Water in Montana, Judge Rules that Montana DEQ Failed to Protect Water Near Rosebud Coal Mine
- Conservation Groups Challenge State’s Approval of NorthWestern’s Gas Plant
- Nuclear Energy: Promising Future or Unnecessary Distraction?
- Celebrating 50 Years of Constitutional Rights
- The Environmental Injustices of Montana’s Mining Laws
- Why We Need Your Help With the 2021 Northwest Power Plan
- NorthWestern Energy announces intention to build Laurel gas plant without pre-approval from the Public Service Commission
- In a victory for clean air and clean energy, NorthWestern Energy withdraws Laurel gas plant application
- Don’t Fall for Gas – recording
- Down to Earth- September 2021
- 2021 Board of Directors Candidate Bios
- Protect and enhance Montana’s economy: Don’t mine the headwaters of the Smith (Op-ed)
- What does the 2021 IPCC report mean for Montana?
- Don’t Fall For Gas event series – UPDATED
- Montana opinion: State’s retreat from ‘bad actor’ enforcement is outrageous
- State removes roadblock to northwest Montana mines
- Environmental groups challenge DEQ over Big Sky development water pollution permit
- Organizations Challenge State Over Water Pollution Permit
- Montana drops ‘bad actor’ case against Hecla Mining CEO
- DEQ drops ‘bad actor’ claim against Hecla exec
- Montana Reduces Coal Ash Cleanup Bond at Power Plant
- Development Associate
- Hecla forging ahead with northwest Montana mines
- Clean energy advocates bring lawsuit to roll back FERC’s latest PURPA rules
- Down to Earth- June 2021
- Court Rules Montana has Jurisdiction to Enforce “Bad Actor” Law
- EPA Wipes Trump-Era Censored Science Rule from the Books
- Court: Montana ‘bad actor’ law applies to Idaho mining company
- This Solar Crypto Mine Plan Is Stranger Than Fiction
- Western States in Open Combat Over Coal, ‘Woke’ Renewables Push
- MEIC’s statement about NorthWestern Energy’s new gas plant in Laurel
- Revive Ban on Federal Coal Leasing, States, Groups Urge Court
- Environmental Groups Head to Court Against Biden Administration’s Defense of Federal Coal Leasing
- May 13, 2021 – Legislative Wrap-Up
- Opponents call for veto of Montana gravel mining bill
- Rosebud mine owner, union ask for veto on Colstrip fuel source bill
- Environmental groups launch new lawsuits on nationwide system used to permit pipelines
- This blanket permit makes it easier to build pipelines. Advocates are suing to stop it.
- Electric Vehicle Fees Jump Under MT Measure
- Legacy of pollution blocks prospects for future gold mine near Fort Belknap
- New lawsuit challenges ‘fast-track’ permits used for oil and gas pipelines nationwide
- Sustainable Missoula: Collaborating for the future
- Montanans concerned over possible fee hikes for electric car owners
- Army Corps Sued for Failure to Protect Waterways, Endangered Wildlife From Pipeline Construction
- Overnight Energy: EPA takes major step to battle climate change
- April 29, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- Sustainable Missoula: Nourishing a thriving future
- Veto letter on SB 358: repealing numeric nutrient standards
- Effort to investigate environmental groups voted down
- Master veto list
- Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 4/26/21
- Bill by Colstrip Republican directs state attorney general to investigate Montana environmental organizations
- Montana Legislator Introduces Bill to Legally Target Environmentalists After Coal Bailout Fails
- April 22, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- GOP lawmakers put brakes on controversial energy bill
- Colstrip bill reminds many of Montana’s energy deregulation debacle
- Haaland kicks off tenure focusing on climate and environmental injustice
- Diverse Coalition of 21 Moves to Defend Biden Administration’s Oil, Gas Leasing Pause
- Coalition Moves to Defend Biden Administration’s Oil, Gas Leasing Pause
- Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 4/19/21
- Legal strategy damaged Hecla permit bid
- Haaland creates climate task force, pledges to address environmental injustices
- April 15, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- IEEFA U.S.: Colstrip legislation would slam NorthWestern customers with costs topping $1.3 billion over 20 years
- The Battle for the Soul of Montana
- Federal Court Halts Proposed Rock Creek Mine in Montana’s Cabinet Mountains
- NW Energy/Colstrip bill ignites fiery comments — again
- Judge strikes down initial approval for stalled Montana mine
- 200 Groups to Biden: Align Federal Fossil Fuel Programs With U.S. Climate Goals
- 4 states weigh plans to rescue coal plants
- Lawmakers back state action on Colstrip contract
- PSC staff: Northwestern’s Colstrip bill could cost ratepayers more
- Property rights v. public good
- Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 4/12/21
- Sustainable Missoula: Clark Fork has come far, but annual river cleanup still needed
- April 8, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- Bill Could Allow NorthWestern To Pass Colstrip Costs Onto Ratepayers
- Controversial environmental bill one step closer to governor’s desk
- NorthWestern Energy’s Ploy to Block the Sun
- To ease housing crisis, GOP lawmakers look to ease development regs
- To ease housing crisis, GOP lawmakers look to ease development regs
- Down to Earth- March 2021
- Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 4/6/21
- Fort Belknap Indian Community sues to stop mine work
- Tribes sue to halt proposed mine work in Little Rocky Mountains
- Sustainable Missoula: If you plant it, they will come
- Press Release: Fort Belknap Indian Community, Conservation Groups Challenge Mining Plan
- April 1, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- Fort Belknap Indian Community, conservation groups challenge mining plan
- Bill would allow fees for commenting on state environmental reviews
- Consumer risks too high in Colstrip bill, commissioners say
- Montana, Missoula could lose renewable energy goal if NorthWestern Energy avoids fine
- Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 3/29/21
- Withholding energy assistance
- Editorial: The bill that may be the worst of them all
- Coal Supporters Fight to Keep Colstrip Alive in Montana Legislature
- March 25, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- Bill affecting NorthWestern Energy customers faces backlash
- Bill to boost Colstrip and coal-fired power blasted by critics
- A ‘wish list for NorthWestern’
- PSC votes to oppose Colstrip bailout bill as a ‘wish list’ for NWE
- Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 3/22/21
- Coal cuts: Aging power plants, cheap natural gas shutting off Montana coal
- March 18, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- Bill would ease Montana gravel mining regulations
- Montana Lawmakers Consider Regulatory Takings Bill
- March 15, 2021 – Park County Environmental Council Legislative Update
- Congratulations to Secretary Haaland!
- Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 3/15/21
- Takings bill advances in Montana Legislature
- One year later: What COVID-19 taught us about fighting climate change
- Sustainable Missoula: Preschool encourages sustainability from the start
- March 11, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- Lawmakers consider payment plan for coal mining back taxes
- A Tale of Two Grids: Texas and California
- Montana Legislative Session Carries Echoes Of The Last Time GOP Held Power
- House Bill 273 would lay the groundwork for nuclear development in Montana — and take voters out of the mix
- Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 3/9/21
- Lawmaker proposes bill allowing payment plan for coal mining back taxes
- Montana looks at next steps for Colstrip
- March 4, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- First Half Success Stories
- Nuclear on the radar: Part II
- Nuclear on the radar: Part I
- MT may be dealing with ‘Carbon Collar’
- Feb. 25, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- Electric Utility Regulators Modify Contract Terms For Small Energy Producers
- Climate group sponsors presentation on renewable energy
- Montana GOP usurps local choice with bill prohibiting regulation of food containers
- Increasing penalties for damaging energy infrastructure
- Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 2/22/21
- From coal to clean energy
- Weaponizing the weather
- ‘Join us on the right side of history:’ Thousands call on Daines to confirm Rep. Haaland
- 3 Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 2/16/21
- Letter to the Editor template for HB 273
- Who’ll pay to clean up Colstrip?
- Feb. 11, 2021 – From Coal to Clean Energy
- Capitol Monitor, Feb. 4, 2021
- 3 Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 2/8/21
- Feb. 4, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- Federal Court Rejects Montana Coal Mine Expansion on Climate, Clean Air Grounds
- 3* Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 2/1/21
- 3 Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 1/24/21
- 3 Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 1/18/21
- Instructional Video – Lobbying Virtually in the 2021 Montana Legislature
- Jan. 14, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- 3 Things YOU Can Do This Week – Week of 1/11/21
- Jan. 7, 2021 – Weekly Legislative Update
- MEIC’s Legislative Engagement Training (Jan 7&14, 2021)
- Something to Celebrate: A New Direction for the Department of Interior and a Strong Commitment to Climate
- We’re hiring! Communications and Engagement Director
- Congrats to Anne and Cari, MEIC’s new executive leaders.
- MEIC Challenges Federal Rule Limiting Clean Energy
- NorthWestern and FERC Stifle Solar Development
- Down to Earth- December 2020
- 2020 Holiday Party
- 2021 Montana Legislature: Buckle Up. It’s Going to Be Ugly
- Tell DEQ: No Water Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline!
- Three Strikes and NorthWestern Energy is Out on Colstrip Purchase
- The Downside of Bozeman’s Climate Plan
- PSC Agrees with MEIC Against NorthWestern Overcharging Customers
- Jim Jensen Retires
- Tell the DEQ to say NO to Another Giant Coal Mine Expansion
- Make the Colstrip Plant Owners Actually Clean Up Their Mess!
- Should Montanans Be Forced to Pay for More of the Aging Colstrip Coal Plant?
- Down to Earth- August 2020
- MEIC Honors the Passing of Jim Posewitz
- Down to Earth – June 2020
- Down to Earth – March 2020
- Groups Challenge Copper Mine Proposal that Threatens the Smith River
- May 28th at 4pm – MEIC Quarantine Series – Coal Mining in Montana
- Submit Comments on NorthWestern Energy’s “Gas Procurement Plan”
- MEIC Quarantine Series – Presentations
- Contact Missoula County: Keep up the Protections Against Cryptocurrency
- The Smith River Mine Permit Has Been Released: These Are the Next Steps
- Submit Comments on draft Montana Climate Solutions Plan
- Billings Gazette Editorial: If Colstrip is such a good deal…
- NorthWestern caught with thumb on the scale against renewables, toward fossil fuels
- 3 Things To Do – Week of February 17th
- Press Release: NorthWestern Energy Doubles Down on Expensive Coal Plant
- 3 Things To Do – Week of February 3rd
- Debunking NorthWestern Energy’s Bogus Climate “Plan”
- Helena “Ready for 100” Info Session Presentation
- 3 Things To Do – Week of January 27th
- 3 Things To Do – Week of January 21st
- Push Back Against the Trump Administration’s weakening of the 2015 federal Coal Ash Rule
- Buyer Beware: Colstrip purchase would cost NorthWestern ratepayers millions
- Press Release: NorthWestern Energy Cynically Claims to Decrease Pollution by Buying More Coal
- MEIC in the Flathead
- A Reason to Give Thanks: Rooftop Solar Saved by Power of the People!
- Tell State to Reject Sham Colstrip Cleanup Plan
- Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline – Fight Back Today
- NorthWestern Energy Resource Plan
- Down to Earth- November 2019
- Climate Change, Mental Health, and Trees
- Protect Montana from Radioactive Fracking Waste
- The DEQ Wants to Expand Montana’s Largest Coal Mine
- Down to Earth – September 2019
- Pay Attention! A Final Decision on the Smith River Mine is Expected Any Day.
- What’s the Deal with NorthWestern Energy?
- Eastern Montana is Not a Sacrifice Zone
- Judge: NorthWestern illegally put off renewable energy projects, regulators didn’t enforce law
- 48 Hours to Speak Up for Montana Wilderness!
- Why Colstrip’s Closure Reminds Me of a Bad Country Song
- Down to Earth – May 2019
- NorthWestern Energy: Out of Step With the West
- Help Montana Solar Move Forward!
- 2019 Montana House Voting Record
- 2019 MEIC Legislative Voting Record
- 2019 Montana Senate Voting Record
- Speak Up for Our Smith River – Deadline May 10th
- Submit Comments on NorthWestern Energy Draft 2019 Resource Procurement Plan
- Power of the People
- Press Release: Solar Energy Development Given the Green Light in Montana
- Down to Earth — March 2019
- Thoughts from the Executive Director
- Bills to Increase Water Pollution Move Ahead
- Good Bills That Were Shot Down
- Should the State Encourage Clean Energy or Prevent Its Development?
- Cabinet Mountains Mines Stalled
- Should PSC oversight of monopoly utilities be strengthened or undermined?
- Coal Tidbits from Around Montana
- Coal and Colstrip-related Bills – Good, Bad and Nutty
- Smith River Mine – Get Ready to Fight Back
- NorthWestern Energy’s 2019 Draft Long-Term Resource Plan Released
- NorthWestern Energy’s Astounding, Appalling, and Audacious Proposals
- Spring Creek Mine Victory
- Climate Action: The Time is Now!
- HJ 4: Supports Coal Mining and Exports to Foreign Nations
- Your “Insider’s Guide” to the Legislature since 1973
- Guest Post: Will Carbon Capture and Sequestration Save Our Climate?
- Down to Earth – December 2018
- MEIC files legal challenge to Montana PSC, NorthWestern Energy to defend local renewable energy projects
- 2019 Legislative Raffle tickets on sale
- Tom Schneider Receives MEIC’s Highest Award
- MEIC Op-Ed: NorthWestern’s crusade against renewables
- Help Stop the Dirty Power Scam
- Down to Earth – September 2018
- Environmental groups say they’re suing over pollution at Colstrip coal mine
- Montanans watch closely as Trump shapes Supreme Court
- Initiative Would Reject Mines Destined to be Perpetual Polluters
- Yes or No on I-186: 20 years after cyanide ban, will voters approve another measure strengthening mining regulations?
- Comment on disclosure of dangerous chemicals
- Coal Plant Closures Continue – Montana Should Plan for the Inevitable
- What does the repeal of the Clean Power Plan mean for Montana?
- Colstrip coal units shut down after failing emissions tests
- Report: Montana falling behind nation in transition to renewable energy sources
- Montana’s Transmission System Ready For New Wind Energy, Report Says
- Tell NorthWestern Energy: Protect Customers and Invest in Clean Energy
- End Perpetual Pollution, Vote YES on I-186
- Former Montana Public Service Commissioner says state’s energy future bright
- Protect Our Public Lands From #1 Toxic Polluter
- New Report a Big Step Forward for Montana’s Renewable Energy Future
- Down to Earth – June 2018
- Alert: Keystone XL being fast-tracked
- It Turns Out Colstrip Electricity is Expensive – Really, Really Expensive
- Help Stop the Fossil Fuel Bonanza in Montana
- Proposed Rollback of Federal Coal Ash Rule
- Rosebud Mine Expansion
- Down to Earth – April 2018
- BIG Opportunity for Climate Action April 18th
- Solar Study’s Findings Suspicious, in Need of Further Review
- 24 Hours to Fight Huge Coal Mine Expansion
- Guest opinion: NorthWestern Energy customers will save with low-cost wind energy
- Mining company may need to pay $30M to Montana for pursuing new mines before cleaning up old ones
- Fossil-fuel industries cheer Trump’s regulatory rollback; what’s the impact?
- Westmoreland Coal, Teetering Near Bankruptcy, Wants Montana to Let It Build a Bigger Mine
- Court Upholds Obama Methane Release Rule
- Press Release: BLM’s methane waste rule back in force following court decision
- Westmoreland Coal teetering on the brink
- Citizens Hearing: Speak Out Against Massive Coal Mine Expansion
- Plan to clean up Colstrip ash ponds leaves several tasks undone, environmental group says
- State of disunion: Montanans view Trump’s first year differently
- Montana DOJ Applauds Supreme Court Ruling On WOTUS
- Giant Slaughterhouse Proposed near Great Falls
- Guest opinion: Help Colstrip with utilities’ tax windfall
- Power plants burning Montana coal could drop from 50 to 14 in less than 2 decades
- Give Trump a Piece of Your Mind on Climate Change
- Environmental Groups File Suit Over Trump Methane Rules
- Solar advocates suit claims Public Service Commission undercuts renewable energy projects
- Groups challenge new rule nullifying compliance obligations under BLM methane rule
- Press Release: Solar Investment in Montana Unlikely in Foreseeable Future if Commission Order Stands
- Down to Earth – December 2017
- Tell Bullock and DEQ to Halt Unlawful, Destructive Mining in Wilderness
- NorthWestern, green energy advocates plan to sue Montana regulators over short contracts
- Stop Ideological Attacks on Clean Energy (Updated)
- Speak up for our Smith River!
- Under Trump, the lines are drawn for a battle over resources in the West
- Mining Regulator Nominee Draws Praise, Criticism In Montana
- Help Helena’s new schools become solar ready
- Cabinet mine foes use ‘bad actor’ law to fight Hecla permits
- Bad Actor Rule Must be Enforced
- Trump killing the Clean Power Plan does little for Montana coal energy
- Colstrip’s Future Still Uncertain After End Of Clean Power Plan
- What’s Next for the Smith River Mine?
- The Beginning of the End for the Colstrip Plant
- Colstrip edges toward complete closure
- Down to Earth – September 2017
- Chasing the Sun
- DOE’s Grid Study: Clinging to the Past
- Sweet Victory: Court sides with MEIC and halts expansion of largest proposed underground coal mine in the country
- Environmental groups’ lawsuit challenges DEQ-issued permit for Montanore mine
- Judge blocks 176-million ton coal mine expansion in Montana
- Montana’s attorney general worries that Colstrip’s newer units are at risk
- New York Times feature includes MEIC coal lawsuit
- Montana lawmakers shocked that attorney general didn’t testify in Colstrip shutdown
- 24 Hours to Stop Montana Coal Exports!
- NorthWestern Energy must earn renewable energy reputation
- With friends like Ryan Zinke, who needs enemies?
- Tim Fox: Montana has a significant stake in the outcome of the coal-leasing case
- Solar-power advocates: PSC ruling devalues solar power, should be reconsidered
- Hot mic records troubling conversation about solar regulations
- Montana commission tells solar developers to get lost
- Montana has the smallest renewable energy incentives in the region after regulator’s vote
- Federal regulators decide to keep fee that inflates cost of Montana wind energy
- Helena City Council: Act on Climate
- Colstrip on track for big changes in 2030s
- As coal production declines, Montana sees drop in coal jobs, plans for more
- Environmental groups try to block Montana mine expansion
- 2017 Montana Legislature in Review
- U.S. Withdrawal from Paris a Tragedy and Incentive
- Bozeman mayor commits to upholding Paris climate accord goals
- Thank you Governor Bullock!
- Vice President Mike Pence To Visit Coal Mine On The Crow Reservation
- Debunking More Myths on Wind Energy
- Thank You, Senator Tester
- Support Montana Clean Energy – Contact the Public Service Commission
- These Bills All Should Be Vetoed
- Contact the Governor – We Need Vetoes!
- Legislature passes bill exempting wells on family-transfer land