SB 358 by Senator John Esp (R-Big Timber) would eliminate numeric nutrient standards that are currently established and enforced by the Montana DEQ through administrative rules. This bill will result in more nutrients in our rivers and streams.
High levels of nutrients in water can lead to rampant algal growth. According to the Clark Fork Coalition, “Besides coating our riverbeds with unsightly green slime, mats of algae block sunlight from reaching more beneficial organisms below the river’s surface. Algae also makes it hard to wade and fish and can clog irrigation intakes and canals. To top it off, as algae dies, the decomposition process sucks oxygen out of the water, and has a suffocating effect on trout and bugs.”

MEIC is one of 16 organizations who signed a letter asking Gov. Gianforte to veto SB 358.
Read the full veto letter here and see the full list of signers here:
Scott Bosse, Northern Rockies Director
American Rivers
Andrew Gorder, Legal Director
Clark Fork Coalition
Deirdre Coit, President
Egan Slough Community
Bruce Young, President
Flathead Lake Protection Association
Kate Sheridan, Executive Director
Flathead Lakers
Dennis Glick, Executive Director
Future West
Charles Drimal, Waters Conservation Coordinator
Greater Yellowstone Coalition
Amy Seaman, Director of Policy and Science
Montana Audubon
Whitney Tawney, Executive Director
Montana Conservation Voters
Derf Johnson, Clean Water Program Director
Montana Environmental Information Center
Liz Albers, Executive Director
Montana Public Interest Research Group (MontPIRG)
Mayre Flowers, Board Chair
Montana Smart Growth Coalition
Frank Szollosi, Executive Director
Montana Wildlife Federation
Sarah Bates, Acting Regional Executive Director
National Wildlife Federation
Jeanie Alderson, Chair
Northern Plains Resource Council
Michelle Uberagua, Executive Director
Park County Environmental Council
Summer Nelson, Director
Sierra Club Montana Chapter
Guy Alsentzer, Executive Director
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper
Steve Moore, Board Chair
Water for Flathead’s Future