3 Things YOU can do this week to help the environment
MEIC will try to regularly give you things you can do each week to help the environment. Please feel free to share this information with anyone on your list. Together, we can make a difference!
1. Pickup a “Ratepayer Rebellion” yard sign
2020 will be a pivotal year for climate action in Montana. Our largest utility – NorthWestern Energy – is trying force ratepayers to pay for more coal and fracked gas power plants. This comes after years of NorthWestern attacking rooftop solar and large-scale wind and solar facilities. Enough is enough!
If you would like to get a Ratepayer Rebellion yard sign (pictured below) here’s how:
Helena area

Stop by the MEIC office Monday-Friday 8:30am to 5pm at:
107 West Lawrence St #N-6
Billings area
Stop by the Northern Plains Resource Council office Monday-Friday 9am-5pm at:
220 S 27th St. – Suite A
Missoula area
Please call 406-549-1142 to find out how to pick them up from the Sierra Club’s office (they are currently moving to a new office).
Bozeman area
TBD. Send an email to bfadie[at]meic.org to be put on a list to be informed when they’re available in Bozeman.
2. Earth’s Hottest Decade Demands Action from Congress
Last decade was the hottest on record. That’s troubling to say the least and we need representatives in Congress to do something about it immediately. For starters, let’s make sure they hear from Montanans that we demand action! Please email a link to the Washington Post report, “2019 capped world’s hottest decade in recorded history,” to:
- Rep. Greg Gianforte (https://gianforte.house.gov/contact/email)
- Sen. Steve Daines (https://www.daines.senate.gov/connect/email-steve)
- Sen. Jon Tester (https://www.tester.senate.gov/contact/)
Ask them what are they doing to reverse global warming. Demand leadership—the survival of the plant depends on leadership now.
Here’s the link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2020/01/15/2010s-hottest-decade-world/
3. If you’re in Helena, attend the “Ready for 100%” info session
Around the country, more than 150 cities have passed resolutions in support of reaching 100% clean energy. In Montana, the city and county of Missoula did this last year and now Bozeman and Helena are considering it, too.
If you’re in Helena, join us on Thursday, January 23rd at 6pm for an informational session about what these resolutions mean, how they help in the climate fight, and how Helena can join in. We hope to see you there!
When: Thurs, Jan 23rd at 6pm
Where: St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Choir Room (enter the lower doors off Cruse St, first door on your left)