The MT Conservation Calendar is maintained in partnership with the University of Montana Environmental Studies program. Updated daily. REFRESH/RELOAD often. Times are Mountain Time. Links to more info are in bold blue italics. Scan ahead to check for RSVPs, deadlines & rescheduling. All events open to the public. NOTE: Click here for other community calendars. 

Email event notices here.

Click a month to view that month:

October 2024
November 2024
December 2024
January 2025
February 2025
March 2025
April 2025
May 2025
June 2025

Click here for links to other community calendars.– even more events there !

Click here to visit the recurring events page.


October 2024

October is Campus Sustainability Month– See UM’s events here (scroll down at that site to see many events), including campus sustainability tour at noon on Oct 24  <–Note new date.

Now until Nov 21 — Food & Farming on a Hot Planet at UM. Thursdays, 7-8:20 pm in UM Social Science building 356. All welcome.

Now to Nov 26 — Free online class: Plastics & Human Health. Tuesdays 6-8 pm. To enroll, contact Donations to Cottonwood Environmental Law Center appreciated.

Now thru Dec 5–Pesticide container recycling. at many sites in MT. Collection places & dates here <- schedules on that web page.

Oct 23,28– Presentations of the draft Missoula Land Use Plan.  at Missoula Public Library. Info on times  here.   scroll down at that site.

Oct 23 (Wed) — Learn About Heat Pump Water Heaters. 6pm at Bozeman Publich Safety Center (901 N. Rouse). Free. 

Oct 23 — The Future of Grizzlies & Wolves in Montana. Drs. Chris Servheen & Doug Smith at 7pm in Missoula’s Wilma Theater, 131 S. Higgins. FREE

Oct 23-24 — Stock up for winter at Garden City Harvest’s fall veggie sale. noon to 6pm at 1657 River Road, Missoula

Oct 24 (Thurs) — Art + Science = Better Storytelling. Dr Robert Van Pelt explains how he uses art to enhance his science stories about world’s biggest trees (including one on Seeley Lake! ). 7pm, UM’s University Center Theater.

Oct 25 (Fri) — MT Natural History Center’s Fall Banquet/Auction.  5-9 pm in UM’s University Center Ballroom

Oct 26 (Sat) — All day Field Trip to Brown’s Lake to look for waterfowl. Meet at 9am at UM’s Adams Center parking lot (NW corner) to carpool. Led by 5 Valleys Audubon.

Oct 26 — Let’s be Bear Aware –– learn how to coexist with bears from bear conflict specialist Morgan Vance. 11 am at UM FLAT (633 South 5th St. West, Missoula).  Free.

Oct 28-30 — Montana Pesticide Stewardship Partnership’s annual meeting at Flathead Lake Biological Station. More info. 

Oct 28,30 — Help manage recreation impacts on the Blackfoot River. Give your input at one of these meetings at 5pm: Oct. 28– Seeley Lake Community Foundation; and Oct. 30 in Lincoln Library Community Room. For those who can’t attend, contact the Blackfoot Challenge to fill out a survey. More info.

Oct 30 — Protect Flathead Lake by maintaining your septic system — here’s how. 6-8 pm at Polson Library. Info/register here  – altho walk-ins are also welcome. RSVP ensures enough refreshments.


November 2024

Nov 1 (Fri) — The Future of Yellowstone’s Wild Bison. Rick Wallen, Wildlife biologist. talk at 6pm in Bozeman’s Museum of the Rockies. 5:30 pm doors open

Nov 2 (Sat) – UM FLAT’s Harvest Party, 1-5pm – homemade soup, pie, music, raffle.  633 S 5th St E (NW corner of UM).

Nov 8 (Fri) — Celebrate the Wild with Great Burn Conservation Alliance. Help keep the Great Burn Wild. Snacks, prizes, raffles. 5-8 pm  at 129 W. Alder, Missoula.

Nov 10 (Sun) — Montana Co-op  annual membership meeting at the Red Poppy (1 Eisenhower St. SW, Ronan, MT)  @ 4pm. Learn how Montana Co-op has been bringing local food to communities.

Nov 12 (Tues) — MT Invasive Species Council’s quarterly meeting. Helena. Free

Nov 13 (Wed) — MT Fish Wildlife & Parts Aquatic Invasive Species Conference, Helena. Free

Nov 14 (Thurs) — Montana Invasive Species Summit, Helena. register by Nov 4. $40

Nov 14 — Long term effects of forest fuel reduction & restoration treatments in western MT. Fire Lab researcher Sharon Hood speaks at 7pm in Missoula’s Rocky Mountain Exploration Center. 1075 South Ave W.

Nov 15 — Dance Party for a Cool Earth: 6-9pm at Free Cycles. dance, games, pizza, cocoa, Details here.

Nov 17 — –The Ice Age in Rattlesnake Valley –– travel back in time 10,000 years to meet ice age animals & see how the ice carved our landscape. 2-3:30pm at Missoula Public library, 4th floor.

Nov 25-27 —Pesticide container recycling. Stevensville 11/25 from 10am to 3pm; Missoula landfill 11/26, 9am to 2pm; Kalispell 11/27; 9am to 2pm. More collection places & dates here <-check schedules for each month on that web page.

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December 2024

Dec 10-12 — Montana Organic Association’s Annual Conference. Great Falls Convention Center.

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January 2025

Jan 13 (Mon) — Plant & Wildlife Interactions in Glacier Park. Tabitha Graves speaks at 7pm in UM’s Interdisciplinary Science building room 110. Part of Five Valleys Audubon & MT Native Plant Society’s annual joint meeting.

Jan 16 (Thurs) — Dam It: Partnering with Beavers to heal watersheds. 6pm reception; 7 pm talk by Ben Goldfarb, author. Emerson Center for the Arts, Bozeman. Free. All welcome. check back for zoom link.

Jan 24 — Climate Advocacy Day in the state capitol rotunda. Speakers, panels, art.  For more info, contact <>

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February 2025

Feb 11-14 — Annual meeting of Montana Chapter of American Fisheries Society. Bozeman Best Western GranTree hotel. Check back for details.

Feb 12 (Wed) — Grasslands: Our Least-known & Most-threatened Ecosystem. a talk by wildlife biologist Beth Madden. Free. 6:30 pm at Bozeman Public Library. check back for zoom link.

Feb 19 — Gallatin Water Science Symposium. Scientists & managers share research that informs water stewardship. 8am-6pm. Asbjornson Hall, MSU, Bozeman. More info:

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March 2025

March 15 — 5 Valleys Seed Library’s Spring Seed Swap at Missoula Public Library. check back for details

March 29-30 — Natural Medicine Inclusion Summit, University of Montana.

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April 2025

April 8-10 — Crown Managers Partnership  Forum, NW MT. Check back for details.

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May 2025

May 9  — Walking audit for bike-ped safety on Reserve St, Missoula. 4-5 pm. Info here.

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June 2025

Check back soon!

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Other Community Calendars (links) –lots more events on these.

Email updates here.

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