Press Release: Tribes, Conservation Groups Vow Continued Fight Against Irresponsible Mining After “Bad Actor” Retirement

Phillips Baker, Jr., retires from Hecla Mining Company leaving unreclaimed mining disasters behind   CONTACTS Shiloh Hernandez,...

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Congress Moving in Wrong Direction with Passage of ADVANCE Act

by Nick Fitzmaurice In 1978, Montanans passed an initiative with the support of 65% of the voters to require a vote of the public to...

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Press Release: Petitioners file motion to press Montana Public Service Commission to fulfill duty to consider climate

A subset of petitioners have filed a writ of mandamus to request the court require the PSC make a decision on their February petition for...

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Webinar Recording — Montana Climate Action Updates

In this webinar recorded on May 14, MEIC shared updates about some of our climate action in Montana, including the Supreme Court hearing...

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Webinar Recording — Protecting Montanans’ Health from Coal Plant Toxins

EPA released a new mercury and air toxics standard (MATS) from coal-fired power plants such as the Colstrip plant. This rule is part of a...

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Press Release: EPA updates air quality standards, lowers allowable amount of emitted mercury and air toxics

EPA updates air quality standards, lowers allowable amount of emitted mercury and air toxics The updated rule will have significant impacts...

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From a Board Member: Neal Ullman

By Neal Ullman The impacts and evidence of climate change continue to grow. MEIC’s work to bring change is more important than ever, and...

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A Hard-Fought Victory for Clean Water at the Rosebud Mine

  By Derf Johnson More than a decade of dogged advocacy and laser-focused persistence has paid off: The Montana Supreme Court found in...

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Businesses, Health, and Conservation Groups Say PSC Must Consider Climate

by Nick Fitzmaurice On Feb. 28, MEIC filed a formal petition with the Montana Public Service Commission (PSC), in partnership with...

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New Imaging Reveals Invisible Pollution at Refineries and in the Home

by Nick Fitzmaurice & Katy Spence What would you do if you discovered invisible pollution pouring out of the refinery next door, or...

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