| Events

When: 10am-5pm

Where: Training location: St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 512 Logan Street, Helena. Fireside Room (Rm 101)

Organizations: Montana Conservation Voters, Montana Environmental Information Center, Montana Wildlife Federation, Montana Audubon, MontPIRG, Montana Trout Unlimited, Clark Fork Coalition, Montana Smart Growth Coalition.

Policy Small Groups:

  • Clean Energy & Net-Metering
  • Land Use and Water Policy
  • Wildlife and Public Lands

Individual Goals of Training:

  • Learn basic lobbying skills, practice “the Ask”
  • Know who your legislators are and how to find them today
  • Choose one or two specific bills on which to lobby
  • Learn about hot conservation issues and the specific legislation affecting clean water, family farmers and ranchers, clean energy, and wildlife
  • Meet with your Representative and Senator
  • Report the results of your conversation to your Conservation Staff Contact

Schedule: Please note- rides are on your own to and from the Capitol unless otherwise indicated.

  • 10:00- Training: St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 512 Logan Street, Helena in the Fireside Room (Rm. 101)
  • 11:45- Break for Lunch, Head to the Capitol to meet with legislators
  • 12:30- Meet with Legislators before Floor session.
  • 1:00- House and Senate Floor Sessions, 4th floor gallery, Capitol
  • 2:45- Check-in, quick debrief with advocates, 1st floor, in front of Information desk
  • 3:00- Afternoon hearings:
    • House Transportation- Rm. 455
    • House Natural Resources- Rm. 172
    • Senate Local Government- Rm. 405
    • Senate Natural Resources- Rm. 303
    • House Energy, Technology, and Federal Relations- Rm. 472
  • 4:30- Check-in, debrief with advocates, 1st floor

Training Agenda:

10:00  Introductions, Welcome, Shelbi Dantic, MCV

10:30 Lobbying Basics- Shelbi Dantic, MCV

10:45            Policy training, small group sessions – please choose 1

  • Clean Energy & Net-Metering: Neal Ullman MT Conservation Voters; Brian Fadie, MEIC
  • Land Use and Water Policy: Collin Cooney, MT Trout Unlimited; Anne Hedges, MEIC
  • Wildlife and Public Lands: Amy Seaman MT Audubon; Nick Gevock, MT Wildlife Federation; Shelbi Dantic, MT Conservation Voters

11:30         Conclusions, Questions?

11:45         Leave for Capitol




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