Guest view: MT Supreme Court should choose energy security

By Todd O’Hair, Doug Martens and Peggy Trenk, Montana Standard Energy security is national security. It’s a mantra we’ve heard...

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Regional Haze: It’s Time to Clear the Air recording

In this webinar recorded on March 8, MEIC, the National Parks Conservation Association, and Park County Environmental Council speak about...

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From the Executive Director: Mom Guilt

By Cari Kimball I’m writing this on my couch next to my gently snoring preschooler, Ruby. She is home sick. Again. The tenth day out of...

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The Mad Rush to Weaken Montana Water Quality Standards

By Derf Johnson Clean rivers aren’t always at the top of our minds in the middle of winter, but due to some very consequential policy...

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DEQ Finally Heeds Tribal Concerns about Mining at Zortman-Landusky

By Derf Johnson Last September, at the invitation of the Fort Belknap Indian Community (FBIC), MEIC’s Katy Spence and I joined a number...

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The Laurel Generating Station’s Unsafe Pipeline

By Anne Hedges News is scarce regarding how NorthWestern Energy intends to proceed with its proposed methane-fired electricity-generating...

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Montana’s Do-Nothing Plan Will Prolong Hazy Skies

By Anne Hedges A hazy day at Glacier National Park. MEIC worked with NPCA and PCEC to host a live webinar about Regional Haze. Watch this...

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EPA Moves to Reverse Trump-Era Mercury Rule

By Anne Hedges The science is indisputable. Mercury and other toxins are harmful to people and wildlife. The good news is that technology...

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Clear Laws for Clean Cars

By Ian Lund The Montana Legislature’s Transportation Interim Committee is studying electric vehicles (EVs) this year. Its goal is to make...

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Nuclear Power: Brave New World or Deja Vu?

By Anne Hedges Nuclear power today is a complicated topic. For the last few decades, sky-high costs and concerns over safety, waste...

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