2021 Montana Legislature: Buckle Up. It’s Going to Be Ugly

By Anne Hedges Once again, Montana’s elections have caused an acute turn to the righthand end of the political spectrum. Many of us are...

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Tell DEQ: No Water Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline!

Now, more than ever, we need you to take action for our water, our climate, and our tribal communities. Say NO to the Keystone XL pipeline!...

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Three Strikes and NorthWestern Energy is Out on Colstrip Purchase

By Anne Hedges, MEIC Deputy Director It’s time for NorthWestern Energy to enter the 21st century. It has tried and failed three times in...

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The Downside of Bozeman’s Climate Plan

It’s heartening news that some large Montana communities are developing plans to tackle the climate crisis. Missoula, Helena, and Bozeman...

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PSC Agrees with MEIC Against NorthWestern Overcharging Customers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 27th, 2020 Contact: MEIC’s Anne Hedges, (406) 461-9546, ahedges@meic.org HELENA, MT – This morning...

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Jim Jensen Retires

Everyone at MEIC expresses our heartfelt thanks and well wishes to Jim Jensen as he retires at the end of 2020. MEIC has been beyond lucky...

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Tell the DEQ to say NO to Another Giant Coal Mine Expansion

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is requesting public comment on the largest coal mine expansion in memory. The...

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Make the Colstrip Plant Owners Actually Clean Up Their Mess!

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is asking for public comments on the clean-up plan for the last area of leaking coal...

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Should Montanans Be Forced to Pay for More of the Aging Colstrip Coal Plant?

This is your ONLY chance to tell the Montana Public Service Commission what YOU think about NorthWestern Energy’s proposal to buy...

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Down to Earth- August 2020

Download full issue here. In this issue: Methane Regulations Victory Quadrupling Solar Generation Farewell, Jim Posewitz Posewitz on the...

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