Since 1974, the MEIC Legislative Voting Record has provided objective, factual information about the most important environmental...
May 14, 2019
Know how your legislators voted, and hold them accountable for their votes. Don’t forget to thank them when they voted correctly....
emailpetition id=”121″ width=”325px” progresswidth=”300″ class=”alignright” There are only...
May 6, 2019
Background Every few years Montana’s largest for-profit utility, NorthWestern Energy, is required to produce a Resource Procurement Plan...
April 30, 2019
Congratulations Montanans! Today the people of Montana won big when the legislature for the umpteenth time refused to allow NorthWestern...
April 25, 2019
by Jim Jensen Sunshine Month Should be Celebrated! March has been declared to be Sunshine month, to recognize the importance of the...
March 15, 2019
by Derf Johnson Two bills being considered by the Montana legislature would allow polluters who cannot easily control their water pollution...
by Malcolm Gilbert Often, good bills don’t stand much chance of making it through the Montana Legislature purely because of dogmatism or...
by Brian Fadie There are a number of bills on this subject that have been introduced in this legislative session. Renewable Portfolio...
by Jim Jensen Idaho-based Hecla Mining Co.’s two proposed mines beneath the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness Area are pretty much at a...