Below is quick and easy list of high-impact actions you can take this week that will help fight for our right to a clean and healthful...
March 14, 2017
by Brian Fadie On February 24th, at the request of NorthWestern Energy, the Montana House Energy Committee killed the Solar Jobs and Energy...
February 24, 2017
The Montana legislature is nearing the halfway point and so far we’ve seen all kinds of attacks on clean energy. It’s time to...
February 21, 2017
A state program that requires utilities to buy from small-scale, locally owned renewable energy projects in Montana is facing a do-or-die...
February 20, 2017
When: 10am-5pm Where: Training location: St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 512 Logan Street, Helena. Fireside Room (Rm 101)...
February 13, 2017
We know your time is valuable, but we need your help to support clean energy, clean water, and clean air (as well as your pocketbooks)....
February 10, 2017
Citizen Lobby Day January 26, 2017 Agenda Organizations: Montana Conservation Voters, Montana Environmental Information Center, Montana...
January 23, 2017
The legislature may only be in week two, but bills are already moving full speed ahead. This week there are multiple important bills being...
January 11, 2017
Click on this link to see the latest issue of Down to Earth. In this issue: Reflections on the Election Smith River Update 2017 Montana...
December 7, 2016
by Brian Fadie This week the Energy Information Administration (EIA) put out electricity generation numbers for mountain west states...
October 21, 2016