When you get a big tax return, it’s tempting to spend it right away on a gift or vacation. But we all know it’s responsible to use the...
January 16, 2018
The number of U.S. power plants burning Montana coal is in steep decline as cheap natural gas and age lead to closures, according to a...
The landmark Clean Power Plan requires coal-fired power plants to reduce carbon pollution in order to do our part to solve the climate...
January 8, 2018
Government watchdog groups are challenging the Trump administration in court over its move to suspend methane emission rules for oil and...
December 20, 2017
Solar advocates have sued Montana’s Public Service Commission for allegedly undercutting renewable energy development.Solar power has...
For immediate release, Dec. 19, 2017 New rule buys BLM time to rescind or revise rule permanently...
December 19, 2017
Dozens of solar energy projects and millions in economic investment across the state are on the line...
December 14, 2017
Click on this link to see the latest issue of Down to Earth....
December 13, 2017
Montana’s largest utility and renewable energy advocates are weighing legal options now that the state’s controversial new energy...
December 4, 2017
Signal Peak Energy operates the West’s newest and largest underground coal mine. As recently as 2013, it employed more than 300 people,...
October 31, 2017