Conservation Organizations Call on Gov. Gianforte to Hold NorthWestern Energy Accountable for Madison River Disaster

Malfunction left the Upper Madison River with significantly diminished flows, causing fish die-offs during a critical spawning time....

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Tribes, Conservation Groups File Legal Action To Compel Montana DEQ to Enforce “Bad Actor” Law Against Hecla Mining Executive

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 10, 2021 Contacts: Andrew Werk Jr., President, Fort Belknap Indian Community, (406) 390-2650,...

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Don’t Fall for Gas: Laurel gas plant recording

Here’s the recording from our Oct. 21 Don’t Fall for Gas event....

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Clean Energy Advocate or Director

This position has been filled. —————- Position Summary: The Clean Energy Advocate or Director* develops and...

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In a Victory for Clean Water in Montana, Judge Rules that Montana DEQ Failed to Protect Water Near Rosebud Coal Mine 

For Immediate Release: October 28, 2021 For more information, please contact:  Shiloh Hernandez, Earthjustice, (406) 586-9699,...

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Conservation Groups Challenge State’s Approval of NorthWestern’s Gas Plant

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 21, 2021 CONTACTS: Amanda D. Galvan | Earthjustice | 406.586.9699 | Anne Hedges |...

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Nuclear Energy: Promising Future or Unnecessary Distraction?

Download this facts sheet as a PDF. by Conor Ploeger Discussions regarding nuclear energy are heating up. As more Americans recognize the...

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Celebrating 50 Years of Constitutional Rights

By Katy Spence In 1972, 100 Montanans gathered in Helena to rewrite the State Constitution. On September 1, 2021, six of them reunited in a...

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The Environmental Injustices of Montana’s Mining Laws

By Derf Johnson Mining is a dirty business. There’s really no way around it. Mitigation activities can certainly be incorporated into...

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Why We Need Your Help With the 2021 Northwest Power Plan

The Northwest Power and Conservation Council (Council) is an interstate agency established in 1981 between four states: Idaho, Montana,...

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