Opponents of Hecla Mining Co’s projects near the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness claim its chief executive officer can’t seek new permits...
October 24, 2017
For Montana, the Obama-era Clean Power Plan was all smoke and no fire by the time the Trump administration announced Monday that it would...
October 11, 2017
On Tuesday, the Trump administration will abandon the Obama-era Clean Power Plan, but what does that mean for Montana’s largest...
October 10, 2017
Colstrip Power Plant’s largest owner will be financially ready to shutter the entire coal-burning facility by 2027, nearly two decades...
September 18, 2017
Advocates see great potential in Montana’s growing solar power industry, but a Public Service Commission decision has changed the...
August 31, 2017
A new lawsuit filed against the Montana Department of Environmental Quality challenges a wastewater discharge permit the agency issued for...
August 17, 2017
BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — A federal judge has blocked a proposed 176-million ton (159 million-metric ton) expansion of a central Montana...
August 16, 2017
Montana’s attorney general wants Colstrip Power Plant’s newer units taken off the table in a Washington hearing where Puget Sound...
August 15, 2017
The August 6, 2017 New York Times featured a front page article on attempts by the Trump Administration to roll back coal mining reforms...
August 8, 2017
Plans to shutter half of Colstrip Power Plant will move ahead with little input from Montana after Republican Attorney General Tim Fox...
July 26, 2017