Our 2019 Legislative Raffle ticket sale is underway! There are amazing prizes and the proceeds support MEIC’s crucial lobbying work?...
October 30, 2018
by Jim Jensen MEIC has selected Tom Schneider, a former member of the Montana Public Service Commission and long time energy efficiency and...
October 29, 2018
Recently, the state’s largest electric utility, NorthWestern Energy, took to these pages to yet again complain about renewable energy....
October 15, 2018
Click on this link to see the latest issue of Down to Earth....
October 8, 2018
The Montana Environmental Information Center, The Sierra Club and Wild Earth Guardians say the Rosebud Mine continues to violate the...
Environmentalists are also eyeing public health, in the context of what clean air and clean water regulations might resemble if left up to...
September 27, 2018
Backers of ballot Initiative 186 contend that any new hardrock mine unable to provide “clear and convincing evidence” that its...
September 24, 2018
Jim Jensen said the idea came to him in the shower. It was 20 years ago. He was working for the Montana Environmental Information Center,...
August 21, 2018 A sample of what we can expect:...
August 21, 2018