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Know how your legislators voted, and hold them accountable for their votes. Don’t forget to thank them when they voted correctly. Remember that in order to fully evaluate a legislator, you must also consider committee performance, influence on the floor debates, and responsiveness to constituents. The green checkmark and  red x indicate whether the vote supported (green checkmark) or opposed (red x) the protection of Montana’s environment. A vote marked A = absent, and a vote marked E = excused. Legislators are only scored on the bills in which they were present to vote. The votes used in this score card are only a selection of the most important bills during the session. For a full list of bills, visit MEIC’s Bill Tracker.

Once you know who your Representative is, you can search for them by name or by town to see their votes! To see the full list of votes, you can scroll right in the table.

Ankney, DuaneColstrip10%
Barrett, DickMissoula100%
Bennett, BryceMissoula100%
Blasdel, MarkKalispell0%
Bogner, KennethMiles City0%
Boland, CarlieGreat Falls100%
Brown, DeeHungry Horse40%
Cohenour, JillEast Helena100%
Cuffe, MikeEureka0%
Ellis, JanetHelena100%
Ellsworth, JasonHamilton20%
Esp, JohnBig Timber20%
Fielder, JenniferThompson Falls50%EE
Fitzpatrick, SteveGreat Falls13%EE
Flowers, PatBelgrade90%
Gauthier, TerryHelena20%
Gillespie, BruceEthridge10%
Gross, JenBillings90%
Hinebauch, SteveWibaux20%
Hoven, BrianGreat Falls10%
Howard, DavidPark City25%EE
Jacobson, TomGreat Falls70%
Kary, DougBillings10%
Keenan, BobBigfork40%
Lang, MikeMalta10%
MacDonald, MargaretBillings100%
Malek, SueMissoula100%
McClafferty, EdieButte90%
McConnell, NateMissoula100%
McNally, MaryBillings90%
Olszewski, AlbertKalispell10%
Osmundson, RyanBuffalo0%
Phillips, MikeBozeman90%
Pomnichowski, J.P.Bozeman100%
Regier, KeithKalispell10%
Richmond, TomBillings0%
Sales, ScottBozeman0%
Salomon, DanielRonan10%
Sands, DianeMissoula100%
Sesso, JonButte40%
Small, JasonBusby10%
Smith, CaryBillings0%
Smith, FrankPoplar80%
Tempel, RusselChester0%
Thomas, FredStevensville10%
Vance, GordonBelgrade0%
Vuckovich, GeneAnaconda60%
Webb, RogerBillings10%
Webber, SusanBrowning100%
Welborn, JeffreyDillon0%

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