Montana Businesses Support a Smith River Mineral Withdrawal; Does Yours?

By Derf Johnson A number of Montana businesses are speaking up in defense of the Smith River and supporting a mineral withdrawal of the...

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An Opportunity to Protect the Smith

By Derf Johnson For over a decade, MEIC and our partners have engaged in a prolonged fight to prevent the Smith River Mine (aka the Black...

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Our Decisions Today Can Create a Better Tomorrow

By Cari Kimball Happy Summer, friends! I hope you’re finding ways to enjoy these long daylight hours. Isn’t July in Montana dreamy?  A...

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Hope Springs Early and Often

by Cari Kimball As Montana enters something resembling spring, I’m feeling energized by the lengthening daylight hours and looking...

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A Major Victory for the Smith River

By Derf Johnson After almost a decade of advocacy by our members, supporters, and partners, we’ve achieved an incredibly important...

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Smith River one step closer to protections from Black Butte Copper Mine after court ruling

The following is a press release from the Montana Environmental Information Center: Meagher County, MT – Montana’s Smith River moves...

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Derf Johnson, Scott Bosse, David Brooks: Why we don’t want a mine on the Smith: an open letter to Rob Scargill

By Derf Johnson, Scott Bosse and David Brooks, Billings Gazette Something doesn’t sit right with an Australian CEO living in Canada...

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Two Smiths in a Day

By Steve Gillbert Steve Gilbert on the Missouri River. In honor of Steve’s final term as an MEIC board member, we’re reprinting a story...

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Protect and enhance Montana’s economy: Don’t mine the headwaters of the Smith (Op-ed)

By William S. Broadbent, Sr. While not of the gun-slinging Wild West lore, there is a battle being waged in Montana. The future of the...

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Groups Challenge Copper Mine Proposal that Threatens the Smith River

Challenge aims to protect water quality, important trout habitat within the watershed MEAGHER COUNTY, Mont.— Conservation groups took...

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