HELENA – Last week’s Public Service Commission order to set new rates and contract rules for small, independent solar-power projects in...
June 29, 2017
Montana’s new terms for small solar projects might have been knowingly set to discourage development, based on a conversation caught last...
June 28, 2017
Update: The Billings Gazette has reported that PSC Commissioner Bob Lake was caught on an open microphone stating that the attacks on...
June 23, 2017
Solar energy’s prospects dimmed in Montana on Thursday as state regulators retooled incentives for renewable energy development....
Montana wind energy advocates have been dealt a blow by the Bonneville Power Administration, which has refused to kill a transmission fee...
June 19, 2017
Stakeholders in Montana’s largest coal-fired power plant expect to operate Colstrip’s two least-dated units into the 2030s, even as...
June 14, 2017
As President Donald Trump has rolled out a series of moves he claims will increase the number of coal-mining jobs in the U.S., analysts...
June 12, 2017
HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Environmental advocacy groups launched a new attempt Thursday to halt the expansion of Montana’s largest coal mine...
June 9, 2017
Below is a full rundown of the good, the bad, and the ugly of the 2017 Montana Legislative Session. Also, make sure to check out our 2017...
June 7, 2017
By Anne Hedges Trump did it again. He felt more compelled to keep an uninformed campaign promise and lie to U.S. coal miners than to...
June 6, 2017