The nomination of a new regulator of surface mines in the United States is receiving praise from pro-coal groups in Montana but criticism...
October 27, 2017
Opponents of Hecla Mining Co’s projects near the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness claim its chief executive officer can’t seek new permits...
October 24, 2017
by Jim Jensen In the aftermath of the Pegasus Gold cyanide heap leach disaster, the Montana Legislature passed a far reaching and forward...
For Montana, the Obama-era Clean Power Plan was all smoke and no fire by the time the Trump administration announced Monday that it would...
October 11, 2017
On Tuesday, the Trump administration will abandon the Obama-era Clean Power Plan, but what does that mean for Montana’s largest...
October 10, 2017
by Derf Johnson In July 2017, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) declared Tintina Resources’ application for its...
October 2, 2017
by Anne Hedges, September 19, 2017 The Colstrip plant will only be “useful” until 2027. That’s according to an agreement filed last...
September 18, 2017
Colstrip Power Plant’s largest owner will be financially ready to shutter the entire coal-burning facility by 2027, nearly two decades...
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September 8, 2017
Advocates see great potential in Montana’s growing solar power industry, but a Public Service Commission decision has changed the...
August 31, 2017