5 Quick Actions to Help Protect the Environment

We know your time is valuable, but we need your help to support clean energy, clean water, and clean air (as well as your pocketbooks)....

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What YOU Can Do This Week

Five Ways to Protect the Environment and Fight Climate Change in MT MEIC has decided to provide a list of five or so things you can do each...

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Clean energy in Montana needs your help!

The legislature may only be in week two, but bills are already moving full speed ahead. This week there are multiple important bills being...

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Montana Board of Oil and Gas Fails to Do its Job

by Derf Johnson It’s only reasonable, and legally required, that Montana’s water resources should be adequately protected. It’s also...

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A Federal Agency is Blocking Montana Renewable Energy Development

by Anne Hedges Should the federal government impose a roadblock to clean energy development in Montana? Should it squash Montana wind...

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How Bad Will the 2017 Montana Legislative Session Be? Really Bad.

by Anne Hedges For months most of us have said: “I’ll be glad when this is over.” Now the old adage rings true – be careful what...

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Now is not the time to hide under the covers

by Anne Hedges Now that the election results have had a chance to sink in, here are some quick thoughts on what it means for the...

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Montanans LOVE – and I mean LOVE – Clean Energy

by Anne Hedges Two recent Montana specific polls tell an undeniable truth – Montanans love clean energy. While we’ve known for years...

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EIA: Mountain states quickly moving away from coal

by Brian Fadie This week the Energy Information Administration (EIA) put out electricity generation numbers for mountain west states...

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Now that Solar is Cost Competitive, Utilities are Taking Aim at This 1978 Energy Law

Guest post by Ed Smeloff, Managing Director of the Regulatory Team at Vote Solar There’s an emerging trend among utilities across the...

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