We’re flying high after a series of victories last week, including the defeat of the terrible takings bill — SB 260....
April 19, 2021
By Rob Chaney, Missoulian Breaking a permitting process into small steps backfired for Hecla Mining Company last week, when a federal judge...
April 16, 2021
By Amanda Eggert, Montana Free Press The Interior Secretary issues two new orders oriented around energy, climate change and social costs...
This week, we had several victories to share, as well as a laundry list of bills that we need you to call the Governor about. Catch up...
By David Schlissel, IEEFA April 15, 2021 (IEEFA)—A measure being considered in the Montana Legislature (Senate Bill 379) would grossly...
April 15, 2021
By Cassidy Randall, Rolling Stone A copper mine threatens the iconic Smith River. It will bring jobs and the copper needed for a...
For Immediate Release, April 15, 2021 Contact: Katherine O’Brien, Earthjustice, (406) 586-9692 x 1929, kobrien@earthjustice.orgBonnie...
By Mike Dennison, KTVH HELENA — At a marathon hearing Wednesday evening, the bill meant to encourage NorthWestern Energy to acquire a...
By Matthew Brown, AP BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — A U.S. judge on Wednesday struck down the government’s approval of the first phase of a...
April 14, 2021
For Immediate Release, April 14, 2021 Contact: Erik Schlenker-Goodrich, Western Environmental Law Center, (575) 770-1295,...