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The Kootenai National Forest is currently accepting public comments regarding its environmental review of proposed mining activities in the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness area in Northwest Montana. The environmental review will examine the proposed “Libby Exploration Project,” which is a proposal by Idaho-based Hecla mining to conduct additional mining exploration at the proposed Montanore mine.

If approved, the Libby Exploration Project would allow Hecla to conduct mining activities directly adjacent to a federally designated Wilderness area, including the build-out of additional underground access tunnels directly beneath Forest Service Lands, expansion of its current waste rock storage area and the construction of an additional waste rock storage impoundment, and dewatering activities.

The area where the mine is proposed is a critical wilderness enclave, an important spiritual place for the Kootenai people, and provides critical habitat for bull trout, wolverines, and grizzly bears – which are protected under the Endangered Species Act.  We need you to take a few minutes and contact the Kootenai National Forest, and request that it protect the Cabinets from Hecla’s project.

How to comment:

The Kootenai National Forest will accept written and electronic comments until ~February 20. Submit written comments to Chad Benson, Forest Supervisor by one of the methods below. Include your name, postal address, title of the project “Libby Exploration Project”, email address, telephone number, any organization you may be representing, and signature.

  • Electronically at https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=62833 on the right-hand side, click “get Connected”, then “Comment on Project.” The subject line must contain “Libby Exploration Project”.
  • Hand deliver or mail hard-copy comments to the Kootenai National Forest, Attn: Chad Benson, 31374 US Highway 2, Libby, MT 59923-3022. The office business hours for submitting hand-delivered comments are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
  • Fax comments to (406) 283-7709.

Learn more about this comment period.

Comments are closed.