Montana Global Warming Emissions Continue to Increase

By Derf Johnson Last week brought some terrible news for those of us in Montana that care about reducing global warming emissions and...

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Signal Peak Energy Violates Safety Standards and Disputes Fines

by Derf Johnson Coal mining, especially underground coal mining, is a dangerous occupation that puts workers and citizens at risk, causes...

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New Montana Coal Export Report is Pure Fiction

by Anne Hedges The truth lies 180 degrees in the opposite direction The Otter Creek coal mine in southeast Montana will mine twice as much...

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Renewable Energy in Montana Threatened by 2013 Legislative Session

By Kyla Maki This Tuesday the Senate Energy committee heard SB 31 (Sen. Debbie Barrett, R-Dillon). This bill would allow existing...

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Protecting Air Quality from the Two Largest Polluters in Montana

by Anne Hedges Last October, two and a half years late, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality finally renewed the air quality...

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Montana Land Board and keystone XL

by Jim Jensen Today during the meeting of the State Board of Land Commissioners, Gov. Brian Schweitzer did exactly what he has always done...

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Corette’s Closing – Who’s REALLY to blame?

By Anne Hedges Why is a Montana coal plant announcing a plan to shut its doors three years from now? The answer to that question is easy....

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Doing good feels good

By Molly Severtson It’s a fact: giving to a cause we care about makes us feel good! Many recent studies, including those conducted at the...

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Montana Coal is Costly and Getting More Expensive

By Derf Johnson Everyone knows that coal is an incredibly dirty way to produce energy. The degradation associated with mining,...

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Imperial Withdraws Permits for “Megaloads”

The contentious Kearl Module Transportation Project is officially history. Imperial Oil/ExxonMobil has withdrawn an application for permits...

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