MEIC’s Clean Energy Program Director writes in the Missoulian that if NorthWestern Energy wants to be seen as a pro-renewable energy...
July 21, 2017
Update: The Billings Gazette has reported that PSC Commissioner Bob Lake was caught on an open microphone stating that the attacks on...
June 23, 2017
Below is a full rundown of the good, the bad, and the ugly of the 2017 Montana Legislative Session. Also, make sure to check out our 2017...
June 7, 2017
By Anne Hedges Trump did it again. He felt more compelled to keep an uninformed campaign promise and lie to U.S. coal miners than to...
June 6, 2017
by Brian Fadie Recently, a Montana state senator shared a link on social media pointing to a anti-renewable energy blog that claims tens of...
May 11, 2017
The Montana Legislature is in its final week, and several bad bills are heading to the Governor. The Governor is making his decision RIGHT...
April 24, 2017
MEIC’s Legislative Voting Record has been produced after every session of the Montana Legislature since 1974. MEIC generally chooses...
April 17, 2017
by Anne Hedges It’s that time of the legislative session when mischief occurs – and perhaps no bill has been subject to more mischief...
April 14, 2017
Find out when and where 2017 Earth Day and Climate Movement events are happening around Montana....
April 13, 2017
The Montana Legislature has only four weeks left. Below is a quick and easy list of high-impact actions you can take this week that will...
April 3, 2017