By Tom Kuglin, Helena Independent Record

The Climate Advocacy Day in 2023 was attended by nearly 300 people. Attendees pushed their message of urgently needed action. THOM BRIDGE, Independent Record
Under banners saying “Protect Our Home,” climate change advocates rallied at the state Capitol Friday, blasting inaction on climate and demanding politicians move on solutions.
The Climate Advocacy Day featured a panel discussion with legislators, a climate fair and roundtable with activists, but it was a noon rally attended by nearly 300 people that anchored the event as attendees pushed their message of urgently needed action.
“We are here in our capitol because we know every person in Montana is going to be impacted by the climate crisis. It’s happening already,” said Winona Bateman with Families for a Livable Climate, one of the hosts of the event. “We’re losing crops to high heat and drought, floods, wildfires and smoke are impacting families and business across the state.”