By Derf Johnson Anyone who’s stood next to train tracks in Montana or floated under a railroad bridge knows that coal trains pollute....
July 1, 2024
EPA released a new mercury and air toxics standard (MATS) from coal-fired power plants such as the Colstrip plant. This rule is part of a...
May 15, 2024
by Nick Fitzmaurice NorthWestern Energy is a combined electric and gas utility, operating as the monopoly energy provider throughout most...
March 29, 2024
by Derf Johnson Montana is part of a region in the United States known as the Powder River Basin, currently the largest coal-producing...
By Derf Johnson Astronomical profits are motivating coal corporations to increase their export capacity in order to take advantage of a...
December 1, 2023
By Katy Spence Lake Koocanusa continues to be plagued by selenium pollution from Canadian coal mining, and MEIC continues to hold the line...
By Derf Johnson For anyone that paid attention to MEIC’s lobbying efforts during the 2023 Montana Legislature, you will recall two bad...
By Anne Hedges Aerial view of subsidence cracks as a result of Signal Peak mining. Photo from WELC. MEIC joined a dozen other conservation...
By Derf Johnson In a very important step toward protecting our climate, water quality, and the ability for the public to participate in...
September 15, 2023
By Derf Johnson As the United States and the world continue to shift to cleaner, more affordable energy sources, Montana policy-makers...
June 15, 2023