| MEIC Events


NorthWestern Energy has returned to the Montana Public Service Commission (PSC) asking for permission to reach into customers’ pockets for another rate increase to prop up its budget-busting and heavily polluting fossil fuel investments. Unfortunately, these increases have resulted in Montana having the second highest electricity rates in the region (and fourth highest energy costs in the country), and still climbing if NorthWestern has its way.

MEIC is intervening in the rate case, so you won’t be seeing any action alerts from us. However, we are hosting an informational webinar at 4:30 pm on Oct. 10 to go over the facts of the rate case and why we’re intervening.

Learn more about the rate case on our website, where we’ll also list the latest updates as they come up.

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Here’s the call information:

Call link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84641802070?pwd=q7eHAL5SfEkbquQqrLJh9Paws8YChi.1

Meeting ID: 846 4180 2070
Passcode: 092689

Check out our website for more upcoming events.

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