| Legislature Events

Join MEIC, Montana Conservation Voters, Montana Audubon, MontPIRG, Northern Plains Resource Council, and more on February 19 for Conservation Lobby Day. We will help guide you through the steps you need to effectively talk to your legislator about issues that matter to you. Please RSVP to Ben Catton, bcatton@meic.org.


Meet at:
Fellowship Auditorium
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
80 E. Lawrence St.
Helena, MT

AGENDA (subject to updates)

9:30 Meet and Greet at Fellowship Hall.
— Snacks provided

10 – 11:30 Lobbyist Training – Best Practices for influencing legislation.
— Break-out groups for specific issues.

12:00 Lunch in Rm. 303, Old Supreme Court Chamber – Pizza lunch.
Public Lands Rally in the Capitol Rotunda (just outside Old Supreme Court Chamber).

1:00 Head out into the Capitol or attend House and Senate Floor Sessions.

2:45 Check-in, quick debrief with advocates, 1st floor, in front of the Information Desk.

3:00 Afternoon hearings:

  • House Education- 3 pm, Rm 137
  • House Energy, Technology and Federal Relations- 3 pm; Rm 472
  • House Human Services- 3 pm; Rm 152
  • House Natural Resources- 3pm; Rm 172
  • House Transportation- 3 pm; Rm 455
  • Senate Local Government- 3pm; Rm 405
  • Senate Highways and Transportation- 3pm; Rm 422
  • Senate Natural Resources-  3pm; Rm 303
  • Senate Public Health, Welfare & Safety- 3pm; Rm 317
  • Senate State Administration- 3pm; Rm 335

4:45 Check-in, debrief with advocates

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