

Montana’s clear, clean water is essential for fishing, swimming… and drinking! On Nov. 10 at 6 pm, Imagine Nation will host a forum in Missoula featuring Imagine Nation’s head brewer Sean Nevins, Andrew Gorder of Clark Fork Coalition, and Derf Johnson of MEIC to speak about brewing, the importance of clean water, and policies that help protect this precious resource.

We’ll have time for your questions, whether it’s about Imagine Nation’s brewing process, what makes the Clark Fork River special, or how policies made at the state level can impact what you’re drinking.

Join us for one of our first River Runs Brew It events!

About A River Runs Brew It: A River Runs Brew It is a partnership between Montana brewers, distillers, cider-makers, and the Montana Environmental Information Center (MEIC). Together, we are protecting the water that makes Montana the Last Best Place— to work, play, live, and brew delicious drinks.Visit the RRBI website for more information.

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