PSC Approves NorthWestern’s 28% Electricity Rate Hike for Residents

By Anne Hedges Anyone who watched the most recent NorthWestern Energy rate case meetings was left wondering whether the Public Service...

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Keeping an Eye on Hydrogen Hubs

By Nick Fitzmaurice The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub could be home to eight hydrogen production facilities. Image via Pacific Northwest...

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Will State Listen to the Public on MEPA and the Climate?

By Anne Hedges Nearly 100 people attended the Missoula hearing. Photo by Katy Spence. Time and time again, when attempts arise to weaken...

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What’s the Deal with the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases?

By Nick Fitzmaurice The social cost of greenhouse gases is a metric that estimates the economic damage caused by each additional ton of...

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Montana’s Terrible Plan to Grease the Skids for a Massive Wyoming Coal Mine

By Derf Johnson Astronomical profits are motivating coal corporations to increase their export capacity in order to take advantage of a...

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The Federal Government Recommends Reform of Outdated Mining Laws

By Derf Johnson Many of the proposed reforms will increase Tribal engagement and considerations. Photo of the Zortman-Landusky mine by Katy...

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Water Pollution Knows No Borders: How Canadian Coal is Poisoning Montana Waters

By Katy Spence Lake Koocanusa continues to be plagued by selenium pollution from Canadian coal mining, and MEIC continues to hold the line...

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HB 576 & SB 392: The Next Chapter in the Story of the Coal Industry’s Undue Influence on Montana Government

By Derf Johnson For anyone that paid attention to MEIC’s lobbying efforts during the 2023 Montana Legislature, you will recall two bad...

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Signal Peak mine causes surface damage, safety hazards

By Anne Hedges Aerial view of subsidence cracks as a result of Signal Peak mining. Photo from WELC. MEIC joined a dozen other conservation...

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Montana’s Energy Transition

By Nick Fitzmaurice Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, driven by unprecedented atmospheric concentrations of carbon...

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