The entire Colstrip Generating Station has been idle for the past month, with two units down for regular maintenance and two for failing...
August 3, 2018
While Montana’s congressional delegation hailed passage of a bill to extend the license for a hydropower dam on the Rocky Mountain Front...
July 26, 2018
Montana could play a significant role in meeting the demand for renewable energy in the Pacific Northwest, according to a new study from...
emailpetition id=”115″ width=”325px” progresswidth=”300″ class=”alignright” Every two...
July 19, 2018
Former Montana Public Service Commissioner Tom Schneider writes in the Great Falls Tribune: “Montana’s energy future is bright…if...
July 16, 2018
Montana Renewables Development Action Plan...
June 29, 2018
For the first time ever, NorthWestern Energy is hosting a public meeting regarding its long-term energy plan (officially called a Resource...
April 12, 2018
Montana’s largest private utility, NorthWestern Energy, recently released a benefit-cost study of distributed solar (i.e. rooftop...
April 11, 2018
MEIC’s Clean Energy Program Director op-ed in the Billings Gazette: “It’s not often we celebrate something happening at...
April 6, 2018
BILLINGS — Montana officials singled out a mining company president as an industry “bad actor” on Tuesday, and said the...
March 22, 2018