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The Trump administration’s attack on our environment is like a nightmare you can’t wake up from, and they are at it again. This time Trump is trying to skirt important environmental analyses that protect our waterways, including the Yellowstone and Missouri rivers, as well as communities and our climate from the threat of the Keystone XL pipeline. The State Department is taking public comments on this project as part of an attempt to fast-track the building of the Keystone XL pipeline. In doing so, it is taking a shortcut around the environmental review that we need in order to protect water, agriculture, wildlife, communities, and our climate. Will you stand with us against this dangerous project?

A portion of this pipeline will cross through eastern Montana, placing Montana communities, farms and ranches, and our cherished rivers at risk. The pipeline is proposed to cross both the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers. Too much is at stake. We need urgent and immediate action today to stop this proposal in its tracks. Please join us in opposing any attempt to avoid conducting a full environmental review of Keystone XL.

Climate scientist James Hansen has said that if Canada is able to develop its tar sands oil reserves, it will be “game over” for the climate. What’s more, do we want another Yellowstone River oil spill disaster? We now know, based upon previous tar sands pipeline disasters, that this type of oil is extremely difficult to clean up.

Please let the State Department know that it must conduct a full environmental review of the project. Keystone XL is a very real danger to clean air, clean water, and the climate.

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