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Following the disastrous move by Donald Trump to exit the Paris Climate Agreement, states and cities across the nation are stepping up, recognizing that it’s critical to act on the local level with an absence of leadership at the national level. Here in Montana, the mayors of both Bozeman and Missoula have recently agreed to abide by the terms of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Now, Helena City Commissioner Andres Haladay has introduced a resolution to add the City of Helena to the growing chorus of voices that want to act on climate. We need your help to persuade the Helena City Commission to support the resolution unanimously. Please take a few minutes, contact the Commission, and let Commissioners and the Mayor know you support the resolution.

The science is clear. Montana and Helena are already experiencing the negative effects of a changing climate, from less snowpack in our mountains, to hotter and drier summers, to less water in our rivers and streams. Wildfires have become more prevalent, threatening Helena’s principle municipal water supply. Streams are getting hotter – and are closed to fishing earlier and earlier – with direct effects on our outdoor recreation economy. Water is dwindling for farmers and ranchers. We cannot let this cycle continue.

Fortunately, we have solutions. Over the past few years, the United States has reduced greenhouse gas emissions from the electric sector as cleaner and cheaper energy options become available. Montana’s clean energy economy is growing, and could become a powerhouse provided the right policies are in place. Meanwhile, investments in energy efficiency have successfully reduced energy consumption here in Montana and across the U.S., with more gains to be seen.

The Helena City Council needs to understand why it is critical that it join with other communities across Montana and the nation to show leadership on climate change.

Please take a minute to contact the Commission and attend the Commission Hearing on Monday, June 26th at 6 p.m., to show your support for Helena’s leadership on climate change.

Want to send a personalized note to the commissioners? Here’s their contact information:






One Reply to “Helena City Council: Act on Climate”

  1. Bruce Kershaw says:

    thank you again Meic.org for proving I am right,
    you are test proven frauds in science
    who can not prove you are not frauds in climate science
    as you reject test proven fact for political make believe
    $100,000.00 Reward for the scientific references
    proving Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming
    Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw